Chereads / loving you was a mistake / Chapter 66 - Who Is She

Chapter 66 - Who Is She

William came out of the restaurant to meet

them crouched to her level. He didn't know

why but something kept telling him to go to


Young Man can I check her? I'm a doctor. Of

course you can. She needs C.P.R immediately.

Baby please wake up,don't do this to me I

beg of you. William kept staring at Aurora.

Who is this girl? He didn't know why he

suddenly felt attached to Aurora. He didn't

even realize when tears started trickling

down his cheeks.

He didn't know why it pained him soo much

to see her in such a condition.

He wiped the tears of his face. "The

ambulance is here, Maxwell announced.

Jake carried her into the ambulance. Please

to the Riverson General hospital.."William


Mark's PO.V

Who is she? l mean she made me feel

something. "Did you approach her"? No I

didn't I hid whenever she turned.

Then it pointless talking about her,

you couldn't even approach her. Anyways

you have a girlfriend so just forget about

this girl. Yh Tiwa, I know I have a girlfriend

whom I adore soo much but this girl was

something else.

Her smile was soo beautiful her dimples were indented. Not to even talk about her black sillky hair,oo and her long thick lashes and not to even talk of her blue eyes which looked like an ocean which one could easily drown into.

Hey I don't think Ralphaelina will be very

happy to hear you complimenting another

woman. Oo come on Tiwa you know I love

Ralph, anyways maybe that girl already has

a boyfriend.

She is too pure to be introduced into my

kind of world.

Riverson General Hospital

Aurora was rushed to the I.C.U. Her

condition was critical,she was bleeding

profusely. William opted to help with the

examination and her observation.

To visit her in her ward one was to put on

protective clothes and Face Mask. She was

in a bad shape, being extra careful and

precautious was really necessary because of her condition.The disease started affecting her lungs, which was the main reason why she bleed through her nose.

I'm sorry Mr.Jake but she really needs the

surgery. The disease is spreading through

her whole body.

The surgery needs to be done quickly

before it spreads to another organ in her


She won't be able to take the pain if that

happens and that will cause her death.

According to the test it was inherited,either through her mom genes or her dad's.

She seriously needs that transplant. Where

are her parents if I may ask?

Jake couldn't take what he heard. My God

what should I do? I still haven't found her

parents...he thought.

Doc please double you effort in saving her.

I will do my best in finding her parents. He

quickly called the investigator. "Im sorry sir

I still haven't found her parents. "F***k,do |

pay you to feed me such nonsense. I just

gave you one job and you are still delaying with the process.