Week 1. A few days have passed since we first got here. Some kids sometimes talk about what they have heard on the news and what barbaric things the rebels have done. It looks like I'm the only one who is ignorant of them.
Our lives, however, are getting unbelievably good. Their treatment of us has gotten better than the first time we met. The food here is served twice a day and is full of meat.
The training? They are fairly difficult, but everyone can keep up with them. The rebels are even surprised that I can keep up even though I don't have one of my legs. They must have thought that I would fail miserably.
The thing that I realized after living here is that there are no girls here. It's not surprising but a kind of a relief for me knowing that Sera must have gotten home safely that day.
42 left.
Week 3. One kid has been killed because of an injury that broke his hand. Though the rebel did not kill him in front of us, we know what happened to him because he suddenly went missing one day.
41 left.
Week 4. They start teaching us why they rebel against the government. I can see that most of the kids did not agree with their point, but they continued listening because of fear.
Week 8. The training gets harder and stricter, and sometimes we don't get enough sleep because of it. More and more kids get injured because of the intensity of the training.
38 left.
Week 9. The rebels taught us how to handle weaponry. Most kids are excited that they can use a gun for the first time in their life, while some realize that by now, they will start to be taught how to kill people.
Week 11. We are being taught how to hunt wild boars and survive in a forest alone. I don't know why they teach us that, but I just keep my mouth shut.
37 left.
Week 13. Three kids committed suicide in their rooms because of the pressure and depression.
34 left.
Week 17. We were having our regular sparring session with each other when one of the kids accidentally killed someone in a rage. Apparently, he lost the spar badly, and as the victor walked away, he ran and punched him at the back of his head, resulting in brain damage.
The rebel who is supervising us yells at him. The one he injured is someone they consider skilled and have hope for.
All of us can see the horror on the kid's face after being told that. The rebel then drags him to meet Brock while the kid keeps crying and apologizing. From that day on, we never saw him or the kid he injured again.
32 left.
Week 18. When I was having dinner near a group of four kids, I could hear them saying that they kind of agreed with the rebels. They are starting to think that the government was why Erusea is heading to its downfall.
I was shocked by how they got to that idea. The rebels are the ones who kidnapped them from their normal life in the first place. Why are you praising them?
Week 19. I can see more and more kids agreeing that the rebels are the ones in the right. They even start to talk to the rebels like they are their friends.
Only the minority of the kids are still not supporting the rebels and still have their minds in check.
"Oh.. so that's why.." I murmured to myself after I realized something.
This must have been the reason why they kidnapped a kid and not an adult to join them. They can gain allies easily by brainwashing. I always thought that brainwashing was impossible, at least in this short time, but it looks like I was wrong.
31 left.
Week 21. They have a test for us. They will leave us somewhere in the forest, and we need to survive there for a week. After the period's end, they will pick us up.
You can see a lot of kids starting to sweat and getting scared. The same goes for me too, but I just harden myself and prepare for the test. That evening, all the remaining kids had been brought blindfolded to their designated location.
When I arrive at my location, the rebel who sent me removes my blindfold and gives me instructions. He then hands me a camping set, an 18.9-liter water bottle, a machete, and a handgun. He then returned to the rebel camp, leaving me alone.
I quickly set up my tent and started a small fire before the sun went down.
That night, I quietly ate the beef jerky from the camping set for dinner when something came to my mind.
'What if I escape from here? I mean, there is no one here to forbid me from escaping. Should I do it now, at night? Where it is hard to be seen?'
*Bang bang*
"AAAAAAAAAAAH," the sound of a handgun can be heard, followed by a scream coming from far into the woods.
Hearing that, I quickly put off the fire and climbed the nearest tree.
'What the fuck is that? Is there a tiger here?' I thought to myself.
That night, I slept on the tree, fearing any wild animal would come up to me.
The next day, I cancel all my plans to escape as I realize that I don't know how deep I am in the forest. I don't want to encounter a bear or a tiger when I try to escape. The food is limited, and the water is the same.
I have searched for any sign of a river but didn't find anything near my location. Venturing into the forest is also a no-no because I have seen signs of wild animals near my area. I am too scared to bet on my life for this, so I just cancelled the escape plan.
I'm not sure where I am, and I don't want to go the wrong way and end up much deeper in the woods, where a bear might attack me.
The food and water supplies are getting less and less. I once wanted to hunt a wild boar but soon realized that the blood would be too much to be taken care of with only this much water.
The week goes by with me just focusing on surviving and using my supply as little as possible.
?? left.
Week 22. I survived, and so did some of the kids. Some of them can be seen full of scars, and some can be seen as traumatized. I, myself, are the same. I feel so tired, physically and mentally.
After all the remaining kids have been grouped, Brock makes an announcement.
"Congratulations to all of you who have passed this test! As you can see, some of your peers are not here! You are free to guess it yourself why they are not!"
All of them just stayed quiet, knowing what he meant.
"Some are killed by wild animals, while others are gunned down by us after being caught attempting to flee!"
It looks like it's not only me who has thought of escaping. Thank god I didn't give it a shot.
"But all of you manage to survive! The ones who are here are the ones who are the most skilled and loyal! You have changed from the first time we met and become a better version of yourself! I am proud to all of you! From now on, you guys are officially one of us!"
*clap* All the other rebels start clapping their hands after Brock finishes his speech to congratulate everyone who has passed the test.
"Woooohoooo, let's fucking gooo!" One kid yelled excitedly.
After seeing the kids' reaction just now, I had a thought. 'Why?'
"Yeaaaaahooooo!" another kid celebrates.
'Why are you guys happy?'
followed by another
'What are you celebrating for?'
and another.
'Have you forgotten your own family?'
They high-fived each other loudly.
'Have you even forgotten about yourself?!'
Everyone cheers with a big smile on their faces.
I stood there dumbfounded, wondering if I was the only one who hadn't been brainwashed, before silently laughing to myself.
17 le-.
No, only 1 is left.
Week 24. After the test, our lives go back to how they usually are. We woke up, listened to their propaganda, did some sparring, did gun training, went hunting for wild boar, and at night we were free to do anything.
Nothing dangerous happened after that test, just regular training. Every kid can also be seen with more self-confidence and can get through daily training strangely without breaking a sweat.
Brock also announced that we will be moving to the main base for all the recruits in two months. The kids become excited because they can meet all the other recruits before them. Now, I realize I can't run from this situation anymore.
Week 23. I hold the watch that Sera gave me as I think about her. I miss her dearly. As I wait for the day I get transferred to the main base, I can't stop thinking about her and my family.
Week 24. Why? Why must I be the one who gets kidnapped?
Week 25. Why me? Why am I so unlucky throughout my life?
Week 26. If I hadn't gotten kidnapped, wouldn't I be laughing happily with Sera right now?
Week 27. Is Sera doing okay right now?
Week 28. Is she ever getting concerned about me? I hope she is..
Week 29.
Week 30.
Henry stopped his clock from ringing anymore. He woke up from his sleep and sat on the bed's corner for a while until his brain finished switching on. It seems like he has to go through the same boring things again today.
"WAKE UP!! WE ARE UNDER ATTACK! THE COUNTRY'S ARMY IS HERE!" One of the rebel's night guards can be heard yelling on the top of his lungs.
Or not.