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Genos's Fallen Angel: One Punch man

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Chapter 1 - A Day in Paradise

It was a beautiful sunny day in city Y. Saitama and Genos were visiting a restaurant after a slow day with nothing too bad going on. Tomorrow they were going to take the hero test to become heroes but for today they were just going to enjoy themselves by going out to eat and shopping. Genos was taking notes on everything like normal while Saitama was eating. To be the strongest hero required taking notes sometimes and even then it required training and lots of it. The bell rang and laughter filled the place as a young woman and her boyfriend or brother maybe were with her.

She was wearing a beautiful white summer dress with white sandals. Her long blond hair and blue eyes were sparkling making Genosstop taking notes and just stare at her by accident. The guy was just wearing plain clothing so this wasn't a date for them. He had short brown hair and wore a black shirt and white shorts. He also had glasses on so he couldn't tell what the colors of his eyes were.

"Hi, Mr. Langley!" The girl said as the man behind the counter smiled.

"Hello Ava, your normal today?" He asked.

"Um yeah sure, can you get Max his normal to please?" She asked.

"Sure can do, should take ten minutes max," he informed as she smiled.

"Thank you!" She smiled as she pulled out her phone.

She was.... beautiful. He started to zone out a bit as he tried to focus but then a guy came into the restaurant and shot the roof. Some of the people screamed while the girl looked up rather annoyed.

"Seriously man? It's my day off!" She said as the man pointed the gun at her.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," the guy said that was with her as the gunman chuckled.

"How about you strip for me girly," he chuckled as she looked at him annoyed, and grabbed his gun.

She took it from him and took a bite out of his gun. Her throat and chest glowed a bright orange making her bones show.

"You can't be!" He panicked as she sighed.

"She is S class Rank 10 hero Angel," the guy said as he was texting away and she sat down.

"It was supposed to be my day off!" She said as she ate the rest of the gun and crossed her arms then looked at her brother.

"Texted Muman, he said he will be here in five to ten minutes depending on traffic," the guy said.

"I keep offering to buy him a motorcycle and he likes his bike better can't blame him though rather get things for himself," she said as the guy chuckled.

"You are not as great as people say you are asking a weak-ass hero to help you!" He laughed as she sat up.

"First off he is my friend and he isn't weak, second of all it's my day off and I don't deal with easy-to-kill lowlives like yourself, and third you gave me heartburn! Clean your gun once in a while god it tastes bad," she informed as the guy gave her a mint.

"Thanks, Mark," she said

"No problem Ava," he said as the guy looked at her annoyed.

"I'm a lot tougher than I look! Fight me!" He yelled.

"No, I'm trying to have lunch here," she said as he pulled out a knife.

"Fine... but you asked for it!" She informed us she got up and quickly disarmed him then slammed his head on the table knocking him out.

"Idiots I swear," she said as a monster ran into a building.

"Come on!" She yelled as Genos got up.

Before their very eyes armor appeared on her body and her dress disappeared. A pair of pure white wings came out of her back and she had an ax in her hand. her armor was gold and was very short, it didn't cover much and he could tell why her hero name was Angel.

"I wanted a day off!" She yelled as she took off and Genos followed suit.

She was a powerful fighter and very fast and nearly matched Genos in speed as she ran and flew threw the air killing monsters.

"Hey, the kid behind you!" She yelled as she threw her ax king a monster behind him. A monster landed on her back and he shot it off quickly.

"Nice shot," she smiled as she picked up the alien and was dead center.

He picked up her ax and saw the monster was also cut in half, dead center.

"Your aim is exceptional," he said as she smiled.

"Thank you, hey I haven't seen you around. You aren't a hero yet! Hey, there is hero testing tomorrow you should go do it. You clearly got skills and we could always have an extra hand," she smiled as she heard a monster roar.

"Looks like the big guy came to play... want to help? I mean it will take less time and we can even race!" She smiled as he was kind of confused by her bubbly demeanor.

"Okay," he said as they took off running and quickly started flying threw the air.

She was smiling as he caught up to her and she quickly got out her ax and she threw it at the massive monster as he fired his cannons. The monster started falling and she quickly grabbed Genos as it swung its hand to try to grab them and she smirked a bit.

"I guess it's time for the big guns!" She smiled Genos started attacking the monster some more.

Without warning, she turned her armor into much tougher armor and turned her beautiful white wings into dragon wings and she once gently armor covered her whole body almost. It was red and black and also layered making it stronger. her hair turned to a fiery red color as well as her eyes.

"Hope you don't mind a little fire!" She informed us she turned into her dragon form.

She made her whole body light up red with fire and she made it all go to her hands. She released her fire making the monster scream. It quickly started to turn to ash as she focused her power.

"Burn bitch burn! This is for messing up my day off!" She yelled as she landed on the ground and turned back with her bright white dress and sandals.

"You just turned it to ash," he said as her power was way stronger than his.

"Yeah... I got a little bit upset. You are a great fighter I say maybe S class if you're lucky!" She smiled.

"I am aiming to be the best," he informed.

"Well good! I hope you beat my rank I don't mind getting bumped down. The stronger the new people are the better. I would give you a card for the recruitment test but I forgot this dress doesn't have pockets...," she said embarrassed.

"I know the time I won't miss it," he informed.

"Good! I will see you at the doors then, also if you have any friends fill free to have them come. Thank you for your help it means a lot to meet a new hero coming aboard before there all famous," she smiled as she hugged him.

"Sorry I forgot to ask, I get excited too easily. Also if you want to I'm hosting a party for the hero's association. I'm not sure how big it's going to be but there will be free food and goodie bags," she said as she let him go.

"I don't like parties," he stated.

"That's fine not a lot of people do... um I will see you around um I never got your name," she informed.

"It's Genos," he informed.

"Well thank you Genos," she said as she took off in her angel form.

He felt odd with her. She was something else and he could see working with her some more maybe even being friends with her. She was extremely awkward and oddly shy even though she looked absolutely beautiful. Some things didn't add up with her like how was she able to change out her armor like that and where the heck did her clothes go when she turned? Was she a monster at one point but decided to do good instead of evil?

"My god could I be any less awkward around people?!" She asked herself rethinking the whole thing.

To any normal person, they would have considered that flirting maybe and she was not about that she just wanted to be nice. Well that was it she was going or had a new stalker or a new friend there was no middle ground in this.