It took them about ten minutes walking up the hill, but they didn't mind. And why should they? No one knew, they could have found something. Something big. Something which would change the world forever. Much to their surprise, the door was open, so they walked in.
The four friends were too scared to go far deep into the castle,which was home to many spiders and cobwebs. They first went down the stairs which were just next to the door which was also covered in spiderwebs.
It was cold, but the deeper the girls went, the warmer they became. A!er 20 minutes, another door was witnessed by Amy, Ashleigh, Lauren and Robyn.
Lauren opened the door and led them to the 'other' room only to find themselves back where they had started. In front of the front door,which was still open as they had not been bothered to close it.
They felt an unwanted figure behind them... They looked back and let out a scream...
Uh oh.
Continue reading next part !