The World Settings:
The world is called Earth just like ours, but will be approximately 5 times larger than ours.
The structure of the continents and countries will be the same as our reality.
Antarctica will be the neutral continent inhabited by those of all nations and nationalities.
The world's population is 14 Billion
Superpowers have been common since the beginning of human existence and its origins will eventually be explained in the story.
98% of the world's population have powers
Superpowers have rankings from lowest to highest as followed: D C B A S SS SSS X Z
D rank abilities are common while S-Z Rank abilities are unimaginably rare.
The gap of strength between ranks are set in stone as in a D class Fire ability will never beat a C Class Fire Ability. However, strategy and experience of course are important in fights.
The physical capabilities of a person match the rank. (ie: a SS Rank Saint would destroy anyone with any ability in the S ranks in a straight up no power arm wrestle.)
There are types of specific powers in the world and have been categorized as follows:
Elementals: Control over basic elements (ie: fire, water, etc.)
Saints: Healers (also can give buffs)
Body Enhancers: Powers relating to the body (ie: transformations, super strength, etc.)
Psykers: Psychic powers (ie: telekinesis, telepathy, hypnotism)
Irregulars: People with special abilities that don't fall into the aforementioned categories (also typically the strongest group of people)
Body Enhancers make up approximately 60% of the population, Psykers make up 25%, Elementals make up 10%, Saints make up 4.99%, and Irregulars are 0.01%.
Powers are also categorized into Normal Types, Growth Types, and Stagnant Types,
Pros of Normal Types would be that one can naturally get stronger slowly. The cons being that natural growth is miniscule and in the higher ranks, A rank getting into S rank, one would have to wait decades or maybe even centuries. (However the higher the rank the longer one can typically live)
Pros of Growth Types would be being able to get stronger quickly. The cons being that one can only grow 1-2 (2 being rare) ranks, the training resources are expensive, and the higher the rank the more training and more expensive the training resources are. (Once the growth is finished Growth Types become Normal Types)
Pros of Stagnant Types are being the "peak" of the rank their ability is in. (A Stagnant type D rank ability would be a hair away from being C class) The con is that the Stagnant types will never Grow past their rank ability. (There are impossibly rare and expensive items to help a Stagnant Type rank up, but as stated before "impossibly rare and expensive")
The level of most technology will be half a step above what we have now but some will be completely fantastical.
Please comment on grammatical mistakes so I can fix them.
Please also read the summary of the story and the author's notes as it will provide much context :)
Thank you for reading this and I shall try to release chapters regularly!