Olivia's POV
After I got over being angry at Rosalie for calling me a piglet last night, I left the bathroom after I had my shower and joined her again on the bed. We ended up talking about anything and everything.
It was nice. I finally felt like I had a normal life for once. I did not once feel scared at all. Which was a massive relief. At home I'm constantly scared. I'm constantly on guard. It's stuffed. Rosalie has become my safe haven.
So Rosalie and I are back at school and through out all lunch, Rosalie keeps asking me who hurt me. I'm obviously not gonna answer her. I won't let her become a murderer. She can't.....she can't leave me. I need her.
If I did tell her, she wouldn't let me go back home to get my stuff. I want my stuff. Rosalie and I talked last night and she wants me to move in with her. I said no at first but it would be great to go home and not be worried about my father beating me for once, so I agreed.
So history was fast, only because I enjoy it and you know what they say, time flys by when your having fun. English was good too, but a little slow. I have finally finished my essay on the Rabbit Proof Fence and I'am confident about it.
But, the thing is, I have to read it in front of the class. I hate speaking in front of audiences. I'm scared to death just thinking about it.
I'm trudging up to the front door of my house from walking all the way from school, when suddenly I feel a feeling come over me. It's telling me nothing good is going to happen when I walk through this door.
After a few minutes of standing in front of the door like an idiot, I finally gather up the strength to open the door and walk inside. I watch my feet walk through the door and then turn to close it. But when I turn around and look up, a fist is flying towards my face, knocking me out cold.
I'm finally starting to wake when I feel something tickle my upper lip. I go to wipe away what's tickling it but feel what I think was a hand and I hear a gasp. I quickly look up and turn on my lamp, only to see Calissa with a tear stricken face standing beside my bed.
"What are you doing?" I ask still groggy from being knocked out. I try to sit up in bed but my whole body screams in agony. I let out a tiny silent scream at the pain that envelopes my body.
"Don't move." Calissa whispers. "Dad continued to punch and kick your body while u were knocked out."
No wonder I'm in absolute agony. My ribs feel broken and my right leg feels broken aswell. My head hurts, so I put my hand on my head and suddenly feel some sort of material.
"What's on my head?" I whisper loud enough for Calissa to hear. Why is she in my room again?
"You were gonna bleed out if I didn't wrap your head." Calissa chokes out. All of a sudden her demeanour changes and next she says. "I couldn't have you stain the floor." She says with malice then turns quickly and bolts out my door.
What the fuck?
Calissa's POV
When I came home after school I found my father beating my sister who was clearly already knocked out. When he went to punch her again I quickly grabbed his arm to stop him. He looks back at me with a murderous look on his face and uses the hand I grabbed to fling me back.
"Get off me you pathetic whore." My dad snarls at me. "Since your sister is knocked out, you get to cook for me again tonight. Call me downstairs when it's ready." He finishes as he walks to the steps and starts going upstairs to his room.
Once he's out of sight I quickly crawl to Olivia and check her pulse. It's still beating. I let out a deep breathe without realising I was holding it in. I quickly grabbed the first aid kit from the kitchen and quickly scrambled back to Olivia.
Her head is bleeding and if I don't wrap it up any time soon she will eventually bleed out. I can't let my little sister die. Once it's done I pull her body over my shoulder and walk upstairs to her room. I lay her down and put the blanket over her.
Once I've done that I quickly run back downstairs to make my father dinner. After I finished making him dinner and made sure he escapes to his bedroom again, I grab a rag and a bowl of water and make my way up to Olivia's bedroom again.
I sit the bowl on the bedside table and wet the rag in the bowl. Once it's wet enough I squeeze it, I start to use the wet rag to wipe off the blood on Olivia's face and neck.
When I finished, I put the bowl away and sat next to her on the bed watching over her while I text Tyler. Every few minutes I put my finger under her nose to make sure she's still breathing.
It continues like that for awhile and I can't help the tears that run down my face at the sight of her like this. Then all of a sudden her hand moves and hits mine. I gasp. I didn't want to be in here by the time she woke up, but I was too late to run out the door. Olivia had already turned on her lamp and saw me. What am I gonna say?
Authors Note:
Well here u go guys, another chapter.
Hope u liked it, don't forget to vote, comment and add to library
Bye guys