As Krillin stared into Enzo's eyes, He could feel his knees shaking, and his hands trembled with fear.
At that moment, Krillin realized that fear was not a weakness, but a natural response to danger as he noticed Enzo's eyes move to Gohan.
Krillin's heart pounded in his chest as he tried to muster the courage to attack Enzo.
<3rd P.O.V>
Enzo seems to be in deep thought looking at Gohan for a few seconds and decides to completely ignore him and look at Krillin.
Enzo just casually starts approaching him completely ignoring all his questions.
*Step* *Step*
Krillin felt himself freeze up as Enzo approached him, his fists clenched tightly as he prepared for the worst. He felt a shiver run down his spine as he remembered the immense power of the android, and the memories of their past battles flooded his mind.
As Enzo drew nearer, Krillin couldn't help but take a step back. The android's cold, emotionless expression only added to Krillin's terror, and he found himself struggling to control his breathing.
Krillin stuttered as he tried to speak, "I-I don't want any trouble Enzo. Can't we talk this out?"
"Please, Enzo I know you're powerful, but there's no need for violence." replied Krillin as he took another step back.
The android just chuckled, "Violence is my specialty, Krillin. You should know that by now."
Enzo's eyes glinted dangerously as he responded, "The world doesn't need weaklings like you either. It's time to eliminate the weak and make way for the strong."
As Enzo stood in front of him, Krillin closed his eyes, bracing himself for the worst. "Please, just make it quick," he said, his fear giving way to resignation as he awaited his fate.
Just as Krillin had resigned to his fate, Enzo suddenly stopped and started chuckling. Krillin looked confused for a moment before realizing that he had been played. "Wait, what? You're not going to attack me?" Krillin asked surprised.
Krillin let out a sigh of relief and shook his head, trying to hide his embarrassment. "You got me good Enzo. I thought you were really going to attack me," he said, still feeling a bit shaken.
"Well...I'm not gonna deny the thought didn't appear in my head ..haha" said Enzo
"Yeah...right like I'm gonna fall for it again" Says Krillin laughing.
Enzo just shrugs at Krillin's reply.
"As for your, I can't help you all in the upcoming I have my own plans that I want to follow" says Enzo.
"So...? what will you be doing now then?" Asks Krillin curious about his plans.
"Krillin," he begins, his voice low and even. "I have decided to try and join the Galactic Patrol."
Krillin looks surprised at the announcement, his eyes widening in shock. "The Galactic Patrol? Why?" he asks, confused by the android's decision and lack of knowledge of this organization.
"I have always been a skilled fighter, but there is always room for improvement," Enzo explains.
"As a member of the Galactic Patrol Squad, I will be able to hone all my skills to an even higher level. I will be able to use my skills to take down the most dangerous and powerful enemies of the universe. I will be fighting on the front lines pushing myself to the limits while facing the greatest threats to the galaxy which will help me improve my combat capabilities." Says Enzo.
Krillin nods, understanding the drive for self-improvement as a warrior. "I see. And do you think you will be able to handle the isolation of working alone?"
"Well...I won't be working alone...I will have my own squad that I will be working with eventually. In fact, I just recruited Turles as the very first member of my Squad." Replies Enzo
"Ahh...yes of course you did...I feel like I'm just becoming more and more immune to surprises...*Sigh*" says Krillin
"I actually had plans to ask Gohan to join me...his untapped potential as a Saiyan is incredible" says Enzo as he looks at Gohan.
"Hahaha yeah look buddy you are scary and all, but once you meet Chi-Chi she can be scary in her own way...she'd never let Gohan leave with you" Says Krillin
"Yes...his age is one of the big factors I actually dropped the idea of asking him. Plus I have a feeling just like Goku he may be a bit too kind-hearted to hunt his enemies ruthlessly." chuckles Enzo at his own words.
Krillin nods and listens attentively.
"I've decided that I no longer need the spaceship that Bulma is building for me" Enzo says.
"I appreciate the gesture, but I won't be using it anymore."
Krillin looks surprised. "Really? Why not?"
"I have acquired a spaceship from Turles." Says Enzo
Krillin looks at him in surprise. "Turles? I guess he had a spaceship he used to come to Earth. How did you manage that?"
"It's a long story, but the short version is that I defeated Turles and we came to an agreement at the end of the battle." Enzo explains. "But the important thing is that I now have a powerful new tool at my disposal and a resourceful ally."
Krillin nods, understanding the implications of having a spaceship at their disposal. "That could definitely come in handy. Do you think you'll be using it for missions with the Galactic Patrol?"
"That's the plan," Enzo says with a determined nod. "The spaceship has advanced technology and is capable of travelling at high speeds, making it an invaluable asset in search and destroy missions. And with my combat skills, I can handle any threats that come our way."
Krillin looks impressed by Enzo's confidence. "Well, it sounds like you have everything under control."
"I am departing now" Enzo says, his voice monotone. "It was good to see you."
Krillin looks at him, a bit taken aback by the lack of emotion in his voice. "Uh, yeah. No problem. Good luck out there."
Enzo nods in acknowledgement but doesn't respond with any words. He turns away from Krillin and starts flying towards his newly acquired spaceship, ready to depart without any sentimental goodbyes.
<3rd P.O.V>
Enzo approaches Turles' spaceship, With a sense of confidence and purpose, he strides up the ramp and enters the cockpit.
'AI can you help me operate this ship?' thinks Enzo asking the AI
*Affirmative Host*
'Excellent' thinks Enzo.
'King Kai' says Enzo trying to get his attention.
'Yesh..yes...Ahem, Enzo this is King Kai speaking?' he replies quickly
'Do you know the coordinates to the nearest Galactic Patrol HQ?' asks Enzo
'hmm Galactic Patrol huh...interesting...give me some time I should be able to get you the information you seek.' replies King Kai.
Enzo in the meantime surveys the controls and systems, familiarizing himself with the ship's layout and capabilities.
As he walked down the corridor, he noticed the walls were made of a smooth, metallic material, and the floors were covered in a soft, blue carpet. The lighting was dim, but it was enough to see where he was going.
He approached a door on his right and opened it to reveal a small room filled with high-tech equipment. There were computer screens, wires, and gadgets scattered about, and Enzo's eyes lit up at the sight. He walked around the room, examining each device in detail.
As he moved further down the corridor, he found himself in a large open area. There were several seats scattered around, and a large screen hung on the wall. Enzo walked up to the screen and tapped it with his finger. It immediately came to life, displaying an image of a far-off planet.
Enzo spent some time exploring the ship's different rooms and facilities, taking in everything he saw with great interest. He discovered a training room with state-of-the-art equipment.
There was a wide range of equipment, including weights, punching bags, and other training gear. Enzo walked up to one of the weight machines and lifted a few of the plates, testing their weight. He nodded in approval, satisfied with the machine's quality.
As he continued to explore the training room, he noticed a large mat in the center of the room. Enzo walked over and stepped onto the mat, testing its firmness. He started to stretch, loosening his muscles as he prepared for a workout.
He looked around the room, taking note of the various punching bags and targets scattered about. Enzo raised his fists, going through a few quick punches and kicks to test his range of motion. He was pleased to find that the room provided ample space for him to move around and train.
'Excellent...I should be able to tweak a lot of equipment here based on AI's recommendation.' Thought Enzo.
He noticed a holographic projector in the corner of the room and walked over to investigate. He activated the projector and it sprang to life, displaying a virtual training program. Enzo studied the program closely, intrigued by the many different exercises and drills it offered.
As he explored the training room further, he found more advanced equipment. There were advanced gravity machines that could adjust the gravity to match any planet's conditions.
Overall Enzo was impressed with the range of equipment available in the training room. He felt that he could easily hone his skills and abilities here, and he made a mental note to spend more time in this room in the future.
'Ahem Enzo, this is King Kai speaking,' the deity said.
'I've located the nearest Galactic Patrol outpost to your current location. The coordinates are, -'
'It's a small outpost, but it should be able to provide you with the information you seek.' says King Kai.
Enzo nodded, his expression serious. "Thank you, King Kai," he said. "I'll head there immediately."
"Good luck, Enzo" King Kai said, his voice fading as the transmission ended. "And be careful out there. The universe is full of unknown dangers."
Enzo reaches the cockpit of the ship and pauses for a moment to take a deep breath, his eyes scanning the controls before him. With AI's assistance, He brings the engines online and begins the pre-flight sequence.
With a flick of his wrist, he activates the ship's engines and the vessel hums to life beneath him.
Enzo quickly entered the coordinates into his ship's navigation system and set a course for the outpost.
As the ship powers up, Enzo feels a surge of excitement and anticipation. He knows that with this ship, he can travel farther and faster, and he is eager to put it to the test. He couldn't help but think about King Kai's warning. But he was confident in his abilities as a fighter, and he knew that he would be able to handle whatever challenges lay ahead.
With a final check of the systems, Enzo engages the thrusters and lifts off the ground. The ship soars into the sky, leaving Earth's atmosphere behind and hurtling into the vast expanse of space.
Enzo feels the acceleration pressing him back into his seat, but he remains calm and focused. He can't help but feel a sense of awe and wonder. He knows that he is one of the few beings in the universe who can harness this kind of power and technology.
With a steady hand and a steely resolve, Enzo let the ship guide itself towards its destination as autopilot is turned on.
*Sigh* Enzo goes to Medbay to check on Turles who is still getting healed in the healing Pod.
As he starts making his way to the Training room Enzo smirks thinking it is finally time to address something he's been ignoring.
'AI it's time to evolve again and make the necessary arrangements' says Enzo ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead.
Thanks for Reading (Zeroskii)
{Hi All, Hope you all had a nice Easter Break.
We have now reached a milestone, with this chapter our MC has left Earth to explore what the universe offers. Though we will come back to canon at some point I want to explore the world of DBZ and DBS. Any suggestions you guys have for planets to explore or unique races to encounter and assimilate would be helpful.
If you also have any suggestions for members to add to MC's squad do let me know. I am looking for about 3 more members. Though I already have some members planned I am open to suggestions for unique characters}
Please leave some feedback :)