*Every two years the AI will schedule a battle of Hosts, And the winner will then become the New Host or retain being the Primary Host"
Cold sweat forms on my poker face at the new revelation...
Looks like the absorb skill is more dangerous than I expected...
"What do you mean by Primary Host? What will happen to me if I....lose?"
*Primary Host is the one who will be in control of the main body. If the current host loses the battle he will be isolated in the AI program. He will be provided the same benefits as the other Reserve Hosts currently*
*Reserve Hosts hold the right to issue a challenge against Primary Host after the two years cool down period. Each Reserve Hosts only get two attempts at the Primary Host challenge before they are deemed unworthy by the AI.*
'This is bad....real bad...'
"You mentioned they will get strong as I get strong and also get the same skills I assimilated.... Is there any difference other than personality....can you elaborate more on that?"
*Certainly Host. Though all the Hosts get the same skills and strength there will be vast difference between them all. Each Hosts though their skills the same, have their own unique battle planning, experience, technique and approach towards combat*
*The Hosts may get all the skill and power but it's all useless in the hands of a inexperienced individual. This is where the True Assimilation comes in to play.*
*Once two loses are accumulated by Reserve Host, they will then be permanently assimilated to the Primary Host. This gives the Primary Hosts a better bloodline boon and much needed combat experience and techniques of the assimilated individual*
*The AI Program systematically cultivates the bloodline this way and helps Android evolve to a Superior Lifeform with no weakness*
"How would the Reserve Hosts train? Aren't they kind of stuck in that tube."
*The Reserve Hosts will be provided reasonable amount of time on Virtual Battle Fields where they can train their skills and techniques. This will be limited in accordance to time in real world not the AI Program time so there is no unfair advantage.*
"So long story short as long as I don't lose...I get to keep my body...but one think I don't understand is what do they get if I become assimilated?"
*Hosts Unique body 'Infinite Stamina' and Unique Passive 'Adaptive'*
'Looks like I can't just absorb anybody I find..it might create more trouble than benefit'
*Sigh*"Let's move on...my head hurts just listening to all of this."
*That is to be expected Host as you were forcefully awakened. You may have suffered minor brain trauma*
"Yeah...yeah let's move on.."
I start moving further into the room and find a empty tube.
*Please get into the tube Host and we can start reviewing the memories of when the AI took over.*
As I get into the Tube I see a big helmet like object just fit itself on my head and slow my conciseness fades away.
<3rd P.O.V>
Enzo opens his eyes and he is looking at himself approach a better vantage.
He frowns when sees himself with no arms
Enzo looks around and sees Vegeta reverting back to his Ape form and his tail cut off.
'I see..so the Tail was the key..'
"hmmmm so that's how Piccolo was also in the AI Program..Looks like the AI saw Piccolo as a necessity." mutters Enzo as he watched himself Regenerate his new arms.
He immediately frowns as the AI decides to go towards the the rest of the Z fighters and Vegeta.
"What...is he stupid? why would he not take this opportunity to sneak attack instead."
*The AI that's taken over is not too advanced Host*
Enzo flinches as he heard the AI voice..
"What you're still here?"
*Yes Host. I'm here to help answer any questions you may have.*
"hmm okay I guess."
"Wha....what's he doing!!? Why's he fighting all of them?"
*The AI deemed all lifeforms with potential a threat*
"How can it be so stupid..is that you fighting there?"
*No Host that is the Emergency AI that's fighting for you as you lost conscious. All it can do is use any ability at it's disposal to achieve it's objectives.*
"Yeah..I can see that seems to be a knock of version of you...heh..and from what I can see it lacks the ability to adapt as the fight goes on.....it's painful to see how many times it's getting caught off guard."
*You are correct host. The Emergency AI lacks any sense for battle plan and awareness. It cannot adapt like you Host. That is why you see it trying to approach the fight in such a straight forward manner.*
"Ohhhh cool another Monkey..the Saiyans are really fascinating warriors. Has the combat data from Vegeta and Goku been compiled??"
*Yes Host you can integrate it and adapt as required.*
"'Tsk'..this is embarrassing to watch... the weakness is right there the tail yet...arrrghhh...How..could he aim for the tail while the stupid money is watching everything the AI is doing..."
Enzo watches the AI give up quickly and proceeds to wake him up.
"*sigh*..thank fuck it decided to wake me up before getting me killed by a stupid brainless monkey." sighs Enzo
Enzo slowly starts losing conscious again.
I open my eyes again and slowly starts make my way out of the Tube.
"How long has it been since I been here?"
*Two hours and 30 minutes Host. Roughly 5 seconds has passed in Real Time*
*It is recommended Host prepares to head out*
"Hmm okay send me all the complied data"
*Integrated all Raw Complied Combat Data*
"Alright show me my System info"
Name : Android #01 (Enzo)
BP (Battle Power): 13893 >>> 23259
Strength: 62 >>> 93
Stamina: ∞
KI: 48 >>> 72
Speed: 93 >>> 132
Evolution: Tier 3 (Hibernation required to Evolve)
Mission: (##ERROR###)
Ability: (Absorb - Intermediate) (Detonate - Ultimate) (Flight - Advanced) (Combat Mastery - Advanced) (Ki Mastery - Advanced)
Passive: (Zenkai - Basic) (Blood Lust - Master) (Ki Sense - Advanced) (Enhanced Hearing - Minor) (Magic Materialization - Minor) (Regeneration - Intermediate)
Unique Passive: (Adaptive - Master)
"Woah that's quite the explosive growth...By the way I been meaning to ask how come the mission section is always errored out?"
*That is a Anomaly I cannot explain Host.*
'That's weird I thought the AI knew everything'
"How come I got such a big boost? I haven't even hibernated yet.."
*Host has mutated with two Rare Lifeforms and combined them together. Also the passive Zenkai helped a bit.*
"Hmm Zenkai explain to me what it does."
*Certainly Host. The Zenkai passive is a genetic trait that allows a Saiyan's power to increase substantially. It is the Saiyan Power that ensures that every time they survive a deadly confrontation in which they nearly die, they always come back stronger than they were before.*
"Wow....and this boost is just from a basic..Zenkai...If I wasn't an Android I'd most probably want to be an Saiyan too. They just seem to be built for battle.."
"Anyway....roughly how long do I need for Hibernation?"
*1 month will be sufficient Host*
"Okay looks like I also need to start making arrangements for it soon."
I start cracking my neck and my fingers as I prepare myself to head out.
"One last thing how do I get back to AI Program again?"
*You can just get the AI to initialize AI Program Host*
"Alright..I'm ready send me back this farce has run for far too long."
I slowly start losing conscious again.
<3rd P.O.V>
"uhhh...that's bright"
Enzo immediately kicks back up.
"Seesh the stupid AI really left me all bruised and battered." mutters Enzo as he looks at his broken right arm.
Gohan is seen with a bloody face all angry as he spots the Android again.
"Yeah...yeah I know I got 99 problems but you ain't one"
Enzo starting charging a White Ki Ball behind him as he runs.
Gohan notices Enzo getting close *Grrrr* and throws a hammer fist to stop him.
*BOOOOOOOOOOOM* the whole area gets covered in dust from the attack.
Gohan sees something move on his left and quickly jumps back to the right.
*Awohhrrr* Gohan looks back to see the Tail sliced clean off and notices Android casually walking away from him towards Goku and Krillin.
*ROOoooaghHHHrrrRR* as he starts morphing back. He looks back at the area once the dust settles only to find a head sized Ki Ball moving in random directions.
*Rooahhrrrrr* Gohan falls to his knees and passes out.
<3rd P.O.V>
"Gohann..." mutter Goku
"Krillin get....ready if you see..a clear shot hit him with the Spirit Bomb."
*BOOOOOOOOOOOM* They see Gohan enraged and fighting again only to see him stop suddenly.
Krillin pales when he sees a familiar silhouette walking towards them casually.
He notices Gohan's tail has been cut off...
"Go..Goku....he's coming right here....how are we going to catching him off guard now!!." panics Krillin.
"Krillin....let him get closer only then...we may..have a shot at hitting him."
Enzo is casually walking towards them.
He notices the one named Krillin is holding some sort of a interesting energy attack.
"Heh is that for me?" snickers Enzo
Suddenly Enzo expression drops and morphs into complete serious mode as he spots a space pod arrive further back from where Goku and Krillin are.
{AN: Need some inputs people. What do you think about Enzo being a Galactic Patrol's contract bounty hunter? do comment at let me know.
You will notice MC being a lot more expressive now as the Brain trauma may not just be a Brain Trauma *Wink* Wink*
The updates will be a bit slower than daily as it's chewing up too much time after my 9-5 job. I'll try to hit at least 3 chapter per week.}
Thanks for Reading (Zeroskii)
Please leave some feedback and Power Stones if you think it's worth it. :)