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The best of epic sex stories by epic sex stories like - smashwords

Chapter 1 - The best of epic sex stories by epic sex stories like - smashwords



The first time I saw my new neighbor's wife, I

thought, "that's as good as it gets." You know the feeling --

after seeing a Victoria's Secret commercial, browsing, or gracing the cover of a magazine. You just

think, for that make and model, it just doesn't get any better.

That's how I felt upon seeing Maria. If anyone was a 10, for

me, it was her. I'm not saying she was perfect, because I

don't believe anyone is perfect, but her combination was the

perfect combination for me. I've been stunned before --

Catherine Zeta-Jones in Zorro, Salma Hayek in Desperado --

but never in person. I've never seen a woman so awesome

that she left me rock hard at first sight. After twenty years of

examining female beauty, this was a first.

As she drove up in the U-Haul van, I immediately

wanted to know who she was fucking. Because every

beautiful woman in the world is fucking someone. Else.

Whenever I see a supermodel, knowing that some lucky

bastard is doing her is both humbling and excruciating. I

will never get over the crush I had on the head cheerleader in

high school, or forget how the entire defensive line banged

her at a party I was not invited to. Like angels, hotties have

always orbited just out of my reach -- I could always look,

but never touch. All my life I wanted a Saturn V just so I

could intercept one of those beauties.

I just never dreamed that a priceless meteorite would

land next door. Now what am I gonna do? If I was diabetic,

I wouldn't work at See's Candy. If I had high blood pressure,

I wouldn't work in high-stress sales. I know I'm a horn dog,

so I stay away from temptation. That's how a guy like me

stays faithful. I know my weaknesses and have adopted

strategies to protect myself. I stay out of the candy store.

But it never crossed my mind that the candy store

would move next to me. Literally, right next door. I am

fucked. Totally fucked. It would be like my fat wife

inheriting a donut shop. It's just bad news. She pulled up in

the driveway next to mine, long black hair blowing in the

wind, her tits threatening to honk the horn if she exhaled too


Oh, please let her be a total bitch. Please let me hate

her fucking guts.

"Hi, neighbor!" she yelled through the window,

greeting me like an old friend. She radiated awesomeness.

Her smile lit up her face like a flashlight. I've known many

bitches. This was the first time I met an anti-bitch. "I like

your flowers."

Only then did I remember I was watering my wife's

flower garden. She often works late, while I do

programming from home, so I'm the house-dad. I cook, I

clean, I garden. It's why I work out so much -- so I don't feel

like a total fag. Yes, yes, I know gays work out a lot -- I'm

referring to fags, not gays.

"Nice to meet you," I said, drawn to her like a moth

to a bonfire. "I'm Abe. Welcome to the neighborhood."

She climbed down and her booty made me swoon.

Honestly, it put those jean ads to shame. Her black hair

flowed down to her butt and shined like a mountain lake at

sunset. I thought I heard that guy from Twilight Zone start

talking, but the pain from my cock, straining against my

kakis, zoned him out.

She turned around and realized all my fears. She

looked like she fell out of Playboy. The beautiful face came

with a killer body that any ninja would die for. I almost fell

over like a corpse. A gentle breeze almost made me shoot

my load. She only wore blue jeans and a tight t-shirt, but

they explained everything that I needed to know.

"I'm Maria," she said, holding out her hand, the

complete opposite of the bitch I hoped for. Her jet black

hair, olive skin, and dark eyes pulled me in like a black hole.

My knee-jerk reaction was to water her shirt with my garden

hose to see it cling to her artificially enlarged breasts.

Instead I had the good sense to just shake her fucking hand,

knowing I would never forget our first -- and probably last --

physical contact. "I hear good things about theneighborhood."

"Not from me," I quipped, smiling. "Nah, it's a great

place to live. Everyone within easy walking distance must

have money to afford this area, so it's pretty quiet. Even the

criminals wear suits." Her carefree laugh melted me. I've

never made anyone that beautiful laugh before -- even babies

look at me puzzled. The greatest aphrodisiac ever invented

was someone laughing at your lame jokes. "I love your

accent. Where are you from?"

"Medellin, Colombia, and I'm mad I still have an

accent after so many years here."

"Accents are sexy," I said, too quickly. She gave me

that look -- you know the one that women give -- and I

backtracked like Michael Jackson doing the moon walk.

"Not yours, unfortunately, but mine is so sexy," I said doing

my best Schwarzenegger impression. Her easy chuckle

somehow tickled my toes. I immediately thanked my lucky

stars that I didn't ask if she was from Mexico. Central

Americans, in particular, hate being called Mexicans. I don't

know why I thought she was Mexican. She was beautiful,

and not even beautiful Mexicans look Mexican. Just take

Selma Hayek. "And how long is that?"

"Since Sheldon married me almost ten years ago."

Stupid me, I whistled. "Sorry, but you don't look like

you've endured ten years of marriage. Unless they were dog

years. You smile too much, for one thing." Indeed, I put her

at 23 at most. Time to change the subject. "No kids?" I

asked, hoping she had a dozen rotten brats.

"Nope. I had an injury long ago that made it

dangerous for me to have kids, so the doctor tied my tubes.

How about you?"

"A fourteen-year-old boy, Alex, and a sixteen-year-

old girl, Justine."

"Ah, you'll be a grandpa in no time." She just met

me and already she was fucking with me. Fun, funny, hot,

friendly, cheerful -- she even seemed super nice. God was

tempting me like Job. No wonder God named "work" after

the bastard.

"I told my kids I'll disinherit them if they make me a grandfather before I'm 40. I'm still trying to convince them

to not make me a grandfather before they're 40. What do

you do for a living?"

"Make my husband happy." There. She said it. I

like that she made no bones about her role in his life. Now,

maybe I could put my temptations to bed. So to speak.

"He's a heart surgeon at UCLA Medical. He also teaches at

the university there. Me? I make hand-crafted dolls that I

sell on EBay, but it's more like a hobby that funds my

shopping sprees. I don't need expensive clothes or jewelry,

but I'm a sucker for shoes. This whole van is just for my


I looked in astonishment at the U-Haul. Then her

smile gave her away, and I realized I probably looked like

Forrest Gump examining shrimp. I must have matured over

the years because, instead of getting defensive, I laughed and

held up my palm. She completed the High-Five with a

satisfying slap as I lost myself in her dark eyes. I never

knew eyes could have such depth or warmth. I didn't

appreciate until much later just how long she met my gaze.

An eternity seemed to pass in comfortable silence.

The moment finally passed when she whispered,

almost sadly, "I'm guessing you're not gay."

I laughed, then laughed at her ability to make me

laugh. "Were you aware that a gay man can look a woman

right in the face and, no matter how beautiful she is, still

speak coherently?" Her laughter let me push the envelope.

"What the hell, man? How is that even legal? Do you

realize what I could have done in high school with such a


She smiled all the way to the back of the van.

Theatrically she opened the doors. I saw a lot of boxes, but

not one fucking shoe.

"I saw some moving guys here yesterday," I said.

"Yeah, they brought the heavy stuff like furniture and

my emotional baggage."

Despite myself, I couldn't help but like her. Maria

was unbearably attractive. "Yes, I saw the forklifts."

Even her laugh was wonderful. Oh, this is not happening. I'm a married man. Not a happy one, but one,

nevertheless. Just because my wife was fat didn't give me

the right to hurt her. Not that I loved her now like I did

twenty years ago, but she was a good person who worked

hard, took care of my kids, and meant well.

Even if fucking her was like tackling a sea lion.

I grabbed something heavy and thanked my lucky

stars that I still worked out. "Where is your husband?"

"Oh, probably fooling around." I swear I almost

dropped her dishes on the sidewalk. "Nah! He's gassing up

the Lexus. He wouldn't fool around on me. I don't leave

him enough juice to fool around on me." She saw the look

on my face as we carried stuff inside. "He saved my life ten

years ago. Anything but a world-class surgeon and I would

have died. So I take care of him in every way possible."

"I can imagine." Crap. Did I say that out loud?

Maria just laughed, completely comfortable. "I bet

you already have."

It's like she could see through me. Maria saw all my

many flaws, and liked me anyways. "You're no gambler."

She unlocked the front door and I placed the box on

the kitchen counter. When I turned around, I found her

studying me. Again. But this time, she had a hand on her

hip like a teacher about to school the class slacker.

"You're not gonna be a problem, are you?"

Fuck! I blinked. How could I blink? I realized that

she knew I understood exactly what she meant. Crap. All

that left me was honestly. "I don't want to be a problem."

And, truly, I didn't. "And just how would I become a


"By staring at my tits too long, or fucking up my


Too long? Did that mean I could stare in short

bursts? Several flippant remarks crossed my mind before I

settled on talking to her like an adult.

"It looks like you got a great thing going, you seem

like a good person, and I don't want to fuck up your shit.

And if I stare at your fantastic tits too long, just smack me

across the head. That almost always works."

"I'm gonna have to wear sweats around you, aren't I?"

"I promise not to break out the binoculars, as long as

you realize that I'm only human and you're totally hot."

"So you're one of the honest, blunt guys. I hate the

passive-aggressive lying asshole types. I hope we can still

be good neighbors, even though you are attracted to me and I

am in no way, shape, or form attracted to you."

"Don't beat around the bush. Give it to me straight.

You wouldn't have sex with me even for a million dollars."

Her laughter broke her hard expression on her face.

Her lips curled up involuntarily. "I don't know. That's a lot

of money for two minutes work."

This reminded me of an old joke: a guy asks the

hottest chick at the party if she'll have sex with him for a

million bucks. She jumps up and down and screams yes.

Then he asks if she'll fuck him for just one hundred.

Insulted, she demands, "just what kind of girl do you think I

am?" He replies, "we've already established that. Now

we're just negotiating the price."

"How about a thousand?" I joke.

Her expression changes. "Sorry, Abe. My marriage

is worth more than that."

"How about a month of unlimited sex on demand for


Now she took a step back to gauge my seriousness.

"A few things come to mind. 1, I'm not a prostitute. 2,

you're an idiot to pay $10,000 for a month of sex. And, 3,

my marriage is worth a hell of a lot more than $10,000. Do

you realize how much my husband makes as a world-class

heart surgeon? Sorry, Abe. You're just gonna have to beat

off while holding binoculars. Especially if I take up skinny

dipping again."

"Sorry for pushing this, but how about $100,000 for a


I totally held my breath as she studied me. I was

fucking serious, and I think she could see that.

"Hypothetically, just out of curiosity, what exactly

would you be paying me for?"

"We both work from home, and both of our spouses work long hours. You don't have kids while mine go to high

school. And it's easy to climb over our fence. So for

$100,000, I get to have as much sex with you as I want,

whenever I want, as long as your husband isn't here. I'd get

tested to prove I'm clean so we wouldn't need condoms."

"My husband gives me all that I need."

"Oh, I can tell he keeps you satisfied. It's one of the

many things about you that I find attractive. But this isn't

about you or him. It's about me. You'll understand why I

have so little sex when you meet my wife -- and I don't say

that cruelly. Please don't answer now. Sleep on it. You may

not need the money, but maybe it'll help him retire sooner, or

vacation with you longer, or help your family back home."

"Maybe you'll come to your senses after you beat off.

A guy can't think straight with his balls full. That's why I

blow my husband every morning he has surgery. Still, I can't

believe you propositioned me."

"Not counting my hand, I haven't had sex this year, or

great sex in almost twenty years. I tried a prostitute ten

years ago and it was worse than masturbating with my left

hand. I know I'm not George Clooney, but I'm in reasonable

shape, I'm not a pervert, and my offer is sincere. Although I

feel like a total putz for even bringing it up to such a class


She peered into my face again to make sure I wasn't

fucking with her. "Promise me you won't fall in love with

me, or any crap like that, because I can't tolerate that shit.

It's why I only work from home. My last three jobs I got hit

on all day, twice by supervisors. Sure, I got fake boobs, but I

don't flaunt them. I'm not looking for a fling. I don't flirt or

tease, yet men won't leave me alone."

"Yeah, it must totally suck to be so hot," I said with a

straight face.

Maria's smile melted the tension in the kitchen

"Smart ass. You just wait until my husband gets home.

You're gonna feel like shit that you propositioned his wife."

"I feel like shit already, and you haven't even shot me

down yet."

"Smart ass."


The lucky husband showed up right as I carried the

last box to his gorgeous house. Maria ran to give him a long

kiss. He took one look at me, then cupped her right ass

cheek like a bear marking a tree.

"Hey, neighbor!" I called, so he wouldn't wonder why

I held a box of his stuff.

"A guy at the gas station couldn't stop coughing, so I

bought him some Mucinex to clear up his chest congestion.

Within minutes he felt better."

"You are so wonderful," Maria told him, giving him

another kiss, and for a weird moment I imagined her saying

that to me while giving me a fucking kiss.

"This neighborhood is heavily Republican, so

providing free medical is illegal," I sort-of joked. "Don't be

surprised if someone from the country club gives you a


"Are you the one flooding the roses?" he asked.

"No, I'm the one watering the curb." I ran to my

house to turn off the hose. When I looked back, they were

totally making out. "Hey, you kids, get a room." I didn't see

any more cards to play, so I went inside and Googled

"Colombian models" until I found one that looked close

enough to her and beat off until my hand cramped.

The next morning, once my family and her husband

left, I kicked my newspaper into her driveway, then flooded

the roses again until she finally came out.

"Not even Dick Cheney waterboards that much," she

said, picking up the newspaper.

"I feel terrible. If you've got a minute, I'll meet you

by our backyard wall."

In my backyard I stepped on three concrete blocks to

pop my head over her wall. She sat on the diving board,

reading my newspaper. "Come here, Maria. I've something

to show you." She navigated through bushes in her

backyard, then saw the top few layers of our wall removed.

"This house sat vacant for a year, so my kids loosened a fewblocks last summer to swim in your pool. Getting over is

pretty easy."

"I guess I won't be skinny dipping after all."

I detected something in her voice that gave me hope.

"Oh come on. I'll pay you to skinny dip." I had no idea how

much I had in my pocket, but I threw a wad of bills towards

her and hoped for the best. Then I realized that I couldn't get

them back without invading her property.

She scanned the treasure. "$87, really? You'll pay

me $87 to swim naked in my pool?"

"I'd pay you $87 just to see you naked for a minute."

She looked me in the eye. Although she didn't move

a muscle, I think I saw her mentally shrug. "I hope you don't

make me regret this," she said, taking off her clothes.

I couldn't believe it. On several levels. That she

would undress. That she would undress for me. That she

would undress for me for $87. And that her body was

freakin' amazing. Her flawless face came with gravity-

defying tits and a flat stomach that only comes from hours of

ab exercises. She even turned around and I saw the best

booty in my life. By the expression of her face and the glint

in her eyes, she was enjoying me drooling over her.

"I stay in shape for my husband."

"I can see." Indeed. She must love him very much.

After at least two minutes of me gawking, she

scooped up her money but, tellingly, didn't get dressed.

Somewhere in the back of my mind a bullhorn blared.

"Best $87 that I ever spent." She laughed, but I was

totally serious. "Please don't take this wrong, but I'd pay you

$1000 cash for a blowjob."

"You met my husband. He's a great guy whose skill

saves lives."

"He's also smarter, handsomer, and a better man than

I am. No question. Ask the neighbors and I doubt anyone

will disagree. However, I was surprised that he looks sixty

years old."

"He's not sixty!" she shot back. "Not yet. But he has

some health problems that have aged him."

"I'm not throwing stones, here. Catherine Zeta-Jones

was in her mid-twenties and at the peak of her career when

she married Michael Douglas, who was twenty-six years

older. I'm just curious how he won the lottery."

It took her longer to decide to tell me than it took her

to decide to undress for 87 fucking bucks. "The guy who

took my virginity in Colombia also got me pregnant by lying

about putting on a condom. Once he learned of the baby, he

spread rumors that I was a whore and that the baby was not

his. I did not want to stay poor forever like my parents, and

single motherhood practically guarantees that, so I went to a

place that does abortions. Except abortion is not legal, so the

quack fucked it up. Next thing I know a taxi dumped me at

the emergency room. All I remember is the blood and

screaming. The nurses said I should have died, but Sheldon

worked eighteen hours straight to save my life. He didn't

even get paid for it -- he was there to teach the surgeons.

"When I recovered, I begged him to let me repay

him. My parents just adored him, so I wormed my way into

his hotel room on the pretense of shopping, cleaning, and

cooking for him. I took care of his every need. He was the

total opposite of the liar who basically raped me, so I sucked

and fucked Sheldon dry. Every few weeks he went to a

different city, so I made myself indispensable. By the time

he had to move on to Ecuador, he couldn't live without me.

But I was underage, and traveling as lovers could get him

arrested, so I convinced him to marry me. He had already

gone through a brutal divorce, but I was the total opposite of

the bitch who bled him dry.

"I couldn't have kids, which is my punishment for

letting that bastard take advantage of me, and his children

were already grown, so we met each other's needs. Most

guys marry specifically to have kids, while my looks would

attract players like the idiot who got me pregnant. An older

guy who already had kids was perfect for me. Plus, he knew

how to treat a lady, unlike macho Latino men, and made a

good living. He preferred to teach, even though he could

make several times more in private practice, but I didn't need

riches. I just needed a good man. And anyone who threatens

my marriage deserves everything terrible that happens to him."

"Don't look at me! I just want to get laid. I promise I

will not do anything to endanger your marriage. Except

having tons of sex with you. And I'm serious about the

$100,000. My wife and I already decided to divorce once

the kids graduate, so I won't even be cheating."

"This makes me feel like a prostitute."

"No!" I objected. "Prostitutes only have a

transactional relationship. You and me? We're neighbors

with benefits. Paying for each and every sex act would be

prostitution, but having a long term relationship where the

guy provides economic assistance to the woman is how the

world works. In every marriage, the wife wants financial

stability, and often trades sex for favors. But most wives

aren't prostitutes! Not legally. Husbands pay their wives for

sex. Just not every time. Or even with cash. Sometimes just

paying her a compliment gets him laid."

"Oh I see," Maria said. "I would be a mistress, not a


"Who is morally superior: the person paying for sex,

or the person receiving?" I paused before trying something

different. "You're right. If you're just gonna fuck me for

money, then you're prostituting yourself. However, if you

are fucking me because you want to fuck me, then you're not

a prostitute, even if you benefit financially."

"Well, you are pretty cute."

I jumped on that like a trampoline. "You see? You

not a prostitute! You're just an unfaithful wife, which is so

much better."

Maria shook her head to keep from smiling. "I have

a few concerns. First, no recordings of any kind. Only cash

or its equivalent. You can't spend the day here, sleep over, or

waste my time. If something comes up, where I'm not

available, you just have to deal with it. If you get a crush on

me or endanger my marriage, I'll hurt you as much as I can.

I'd have to see proof that you're clean and I'd feel really

stupid if I cheated on my husband, only for you to stop

paying me, so I'd need a month pre-paid at all times. Finally,

I need to know if you have anything unusual in mind."My mouth was so dry I could not swallow. I could

not believe she had thought about my offer. Later she'd

confess that she thought of nothing else all night. "Blowjobs

in the morning would be nice. Not hand jobs with a little

tongue, but completing the task."

"You want to come in my mouth every morning," she

stated unsurprised and, if anything, rather chipper. "What


"You'll really suck me off every morning for a year?"

"I've only sucked off my husband, so it would

depend on how you taste."

Okay, now I gulped. My wife never took it in the

mouth. She only sucked to get me hard so she could get off.

Maria's nude body made it hard to think.

"Now you're just stalling to get your $87 worth," she

joked, suddenly dancing to keep me focused.

"Can I kiss you?" I asked like a virgin.

"Mi amor, for $100,000, you can kiss me wherever

you want."

I hugged the wall before my knees buckled. She

called me, mi amor! "I meant right now. Would you kiss


I have never felt so flattered than that moment, the

way her face lit up. She hopped over like a kid on

Halloween. She fucking wants to kiss me, I realized. Maria

walked through the bushes, gazed into my eyes, and caressed

my check. Maria suddenly grabbed the back of my hair and

pulled me forward. Shit, I nearly peed myself. She kissed

me hard and, to my surprise, passionately. I felt her tongue

against my teeth and I let her in. We exchanged saliva, then I

felt her hand lead mine to her breasts. I felt her up and

pitched a tent in my pants. I had heard of five minute kisses;

I just never had one. Hell, my wife stopped kissing me years

ago. In contrast, Maria seemed in no hurry to stop. An

eternity passed and yet she still seemed like she was just

warming up. When we finally paused, I worried about

shooting myself.

"Please blow me for $1000. I have cash in the house

and I swear it won't take a minute." And I meant it.

"Let me see it."

An instant later my blue jeans and boxers fell to

expose my totally hard cock.

"How big is it?" she asked, very interested.

"Seven and a half inches." I only slightly


"Really?" she replied, as if I said a foot long. Indeed,

you'd think I opened a pizza box, the way she practically

drooled. Not since I beat the crap out of a surprised bully in

high school have I felt more manly. "Okay."

She backed up and I hopped the wall like a burglar.

She knelt, right there in the bushes, dirtying her knees, and

logged my petrified wood. Her mouth engulfed me with

more enthusiasm than a teenager. With each bob of her head,

she went deeper and faster, first getting her rhythm, then

stepping it up.

She's hornier than I am, I realized. If she just wanted

to get it over with, she would have jacked me hard while

mouthing the head. Instead, her hands never touched my

cock. One hand cupped my balls and the other stuck a finger

up my ass with the other. I even spread my legs to give her

greater access, and she rewarded me by finger-fucking my

anus hard and fast. She took the whole damn penis, too --

something my lying wife claims isn't possible.

Her moans grew louder, more passionate, as she let

herself go. She was loving it! I felt like high-five-ing

myself. I wish I could finger her pussy because this lady

clearly needed to cum bad. She had a fever and couldn't

wait to swallow her medicine.

Maria looked so beautiful, naked, on her dirty knees,

devouring my throbbing cock, as if it were the world's last

porterhouse. I loved how her hair danced on her back. She

looked closer to coming than I did.

I yelped in surprise when I hit the point of no return.

Maria must have a turbo button on her because her engine

suddenly revved up. Still using only her mouth, she gobbled

me with the enthusiasm of a fag. I grabbed her wonderful

hair with both hands and exploded in her mouth so hard my

knees shook. My first wad hit her like a shotgun blast, theway her head snapped back like whiplash. Well, that only

seemed to provoke her more. I saw her swallow, then

continue to pump my dick dry, moaning like a bitch in heat.

I felt my second load coat her tongue and a third bounce off

the roof of her mouth. Still, she fed the beast, not hesitating

for a moment, eager for every drop. This wasn't a prostitute

-- this was a miracle worker! I never knew a total hottie was

capable of such things. It was like she crossed the Sahara

and now needed to drink until she exploded.

Her hand flew from between my legs to between

hers. A moment later her whole body shuddered. Her lips

still locked on my cock, her eyes looked up at me, scared at

the intensity. Her eyes glazed over like she took a premium

hit of some new super drug.

The bowels of my soul coughed up my sixth and last

squirt of cum. She pulled out to rest her lips on the head of

my cock. It looked like she was putting lipstick on, the way

she moved her lips over the tip of my penis. Her tongue

flicked out and cleaned the sperm around her mouth like a

puppy fed too much peanut butter. I watched her eyes

unglazed and her face settle into an expression of deep

satisfaction. Her happy smile barely fit on her face.

"You taste so good!" she told my penis, looking him

in the eye. "And I get to suck you every day for the next


She said it like she won the lottery, but I knew I was

the true winner. I found a swallower in a world of spitters.

And not just some diseased crack whore. Every man wants a

virgin nympho supermodel. I just scored two out of three.

She looked up at me and moaned. No lie, my cock

twitched against her tongue