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Think Yourself Rich: Use the Power of Your Subconscious Mind to Find T

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How This Book Can Bring Riches to You Have you ever asked yourself these questions? Why is one person very rich and the other poor? Why does one person succeed in business while another fails in the same business? Why is it that one person prays for wealth and gets no answer and another member of her family prays and gets immediate results? Why is it that someone uses affirmations for money and success and becomes poorer and someone else uses the same affirmations and gets marvelous results? Why is it that one homeowner tries to sell his home for a year or more with no success and his neighbor sells his home in a few days? Why does one person become a great success in sales in a particular territory and another person in the same territory becomes a failure? Why is it one person goes up the ladder in her profession while someone else with equal credentials toils and moils all her life without achieving anything worthwhile? Why is it that one person has all the money he needs to accomplish his objectives and another can’t make ends meet? Why is it that so many religious, good, kind people are always short of money and other religious people have all the money they need and use it wisely? Why is it that so many atheistic, agnostic, and irreligious people succeed, prosper, become immensely wealthy, and enjoy radiant health while at the same time many good, kind, moral, upright religious people suffer sickness, lack, misery, and poverty? Why is it that some give and never receive in return and others give and they receive bountifully? Why does one person have a beautiful, luxurious home while another lives in the slums or a dilapidated home? Why is it that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer?

Chapter 1 - The Secret of Miracle Power for Infinite Riches

The Secret of Miracle Power for

Infinite Riches

It is your God-given birthright to be rich. You are here to express the fullness of life in

every way. Your secret purpose on earth is to lead a happy, joyous, and glorious life—

the life more abundant. Infinite riches are all around you. The treasure house of infinity

is not to be found in a bank vault or a pirate's trove. It is within your own subconscious

depths. Begin now to extract from that marvelous gold mine within you everything you

need—money, friends, a lovely home, beauty, companionship, and all the blessings of

life. Whatever you need, whatever you want, you can bring it forth when you learn to

apply the proper technique.

Dave Howe, an old friend of mine, told me the story of two men, Peter R. and Steve

G., who grew up in the same town and went to the same college to become geologists.

After graduation, they took jobs with rival mineral exploration companies in the western

United States. Peter put much time and energy into learning how to tap the mind's

treasure house within him. Steve did not. He was a thorough skeptic about the powers of

his own mind. Instead, he put all his faith in the techniques and electronic instruments

his professors had taught him to use. He relied on externals, such as physical

appearances, conditions, and the general topography of the soil. Early in his career,

Steve was assigned to do a geological exploration of a certain area in Utah. He used all

the most modern equipment of his profession and did everything he was supposed to do,

but he found nothing. After three weeks, he gave up.

Later that year, Peter conducted a survey of the same area. Within three days, he

uncovered evidence that led to the discovery of a rich vein of uranium ore. His

confidence in the guiding principle of his subconscious led him straight to the hidden

wealth. The real riches were not concealed underground; they were openly evident in

his mental orientation.

The Greatest Secret in the World

Scientists recently achieved the breathtaking feat of decoding the human genome. The

program for life itself is said to now be within reach. One expert after another has

proclaimed this the greatest secret being unfolded today. They tell us that in coming

years science will be able to alter our specie's basic genes. If we choose, we can bring

into being as many Einsteins, Beethovens, or Michelangelos as we like.

These experts fail to understand a vital fact. Human beings are more than their

bodies, their hereditary characteristics, their family tree, the color of their skin, hair,

and eyes. The Living Spirit-God is within humankind. The human subconscious is part

of the Eternal, which does not change. It is the same yesterday, today, and forever. We

can be transformed in only one way, and that is by the transformation of our minds. Be

ye transformed by the renewing of your mind (Romans 12:2).

The greatest secret in the world is that the Kingdom of God is within us. Infinite

intelligence, boundless wisdom, infinite power, infinite love, and the answer to every

problem under the sun are locked within our own subconscious minds.

People search for the greatest secret in the world everywhere but within themselves.

Yet the secret has always been within reach of all. Begin now to tap these tremendous

powers within you, and you will start to lead a full and happy life based on God, who

giveth us richly all things to enjoy (I Timothy 6:17). I am come that they might have

life, and that they might have it more abundantly (John 10:10).

Your Right to Be Rich

It is normal and natural for you to want to achieve success, recognition, and prosperity

in your life. You ought to have all the money you need to do what you want to do, when

you want to do it. There is no virtue in poverty. Poverty is a mental disease that should,

and could, be abolished from the face of the earth. Just as wealth is a state of mind,

likewise poverty is a state of mind. If we want to eradicate all the slums in the world,

we must first wipe out the mental slums created in people's minds by their belief in

poverty and lack.

During my many years of private counseling, as well as when talking with people

following my lectures around the world, I constantly hear the same comment from

people: "The only thing holding me back is my lack of money. There is nothing that

$50,000 or $100,000 would not cure in my life." What these people fail to realize is

that their own focus on what they lack is creating their poverty. Wealth, like poverty, is

really a pattern of thoughts and images in the mind. If these people were to follow the

techniques explained in this book and begin to use their subconscious minds, wealth

would flow to them in avalanches of abundance.

It is the right of you and your family to have healthy, nourishing food, good clothes, a

comfortable home, and the money you need to buy the good things of life. You need the

time every day for meditation, prayer, relaxation, recreation, and places that make these necessities possible. The true meaning of prosperity does not lie in having more things.

It means that you begin to advance mentally, spiritually, and intellectually, as well as

socially and financially.

How She Discovered the Riches of Her Subconscious

I was consulted by a woman, Bettina W., who told me she had been the victim of a

series of misfortunes. After a bitter divorce that left her in charge of two preschool

children, her former husband moved across country and stopped paying child support.

She owned a home, but she was carrying both a first and second mortgage. Her one

credit card was near its limit. She had a regular job and also did after hours work, but

all the money that came in went out again immediately. It was a constant struggle simply

to put food on the table. Bettina stayed awake nights wondering what she would do if

she or one of the kids fell sick. As she put it, her life was a total mess.

I explained to her that the infinite intelligence within her subconscious could reveal

to her everything she needed to know at all times. She could receive inspiration,

guidance, new creative ideas, and a solution to her financial problems. I added that once

she developed the ability to use her subconscious correctly, it would also provide all

the money she needed. She would experience financial freedom beyond her fondest


To put this process into motion, I offered Bettina two abstract ideas: wealth and

success. As we talked, she came to understand that wealth is everywhere. Like all of us,

she was born to succeed, to win in the game of life, because once tapped, the infinite

power within her cannot fail. At my suggestion, she began a program of spiritual

exercises. Every night, before going to sleep, she set aside a quiet time in which she

repeated slowly, feelingly, and with deep understanding: "Wealth, success. Wealth,

success." She realized that whatever she impressed on her subconscious would be

magnified and multiplied on the screen of space. Just prior to sleep, our subconscious is

particularly sensitive to whatever conscious thoughts we entertain. By focusing her

consciousness on these two concepts, "Wealth, success," Bettina began to activate and

release the latent powers of her subconscious.

How Her Subconscious Responded

When used right, the subconscious never fails. Once appealed to, it meets our needs in

unforeseen ways, regardless of circumstances. Bettina succeeded in putting away

thoughts of poverty and stress while she concentrated on wealth and success. One night,

as she was in the middle of this exercise, her eye fell on a vase she had inherited from her mother's older sister. The next day, on an impulse, she posted a description of the

vase on an Internet auction site. Within days, connoisseurs who recognized its rarity had

bid the price up to over $7,000.

Bettina soon became a regular at yard sales and estate auctions. If a particular item

caught her eye, she bought it, then offered it at auction on the Internet. Within three

months, her profits from buying and selling antiques and collectibles were so great that

she was able to quit her regular job and do the buying and selling full time. Friends and

competitors told her that she owed her success to a "knack." She knew better. She

realized that her subconscious was the connecting link that united her with the treasure

house of infinity. The Infinite intelligence within your subconscious can do for you only

when it can do through you. Your thoughts and feelings control your destiny. Because

Bettina learned to place her faith in the unfailing power of her subconscious, she will

never again find herself in material or spiritual need.

The Secret of Riches and Promotion Was Within Him

Ralph S. was a gifted young attorney who had lost several cases in a row. He became

gloomy, despondent, and full of self-criticism and self-condemnation. Soon he began to

suffer some serious financial reverses and drifted deeper and deeper into debt. After

one of the senior partners at his firm gave him a friendly warning that his career was in

danger, he came to me for help.

After hearing his story, I explained a basic, if often overlooked, fact. Our thoughts

are creative. That is, what we think tends to change, even to create, reality. The

conditions, circumstances, events, and experiences we go through are not accidents.

They accurately reflect our habitual thinking and imagery. I told Ralph that if he dwelled

constantly on limitation and lack, he would inevitably experience limitation and lack.

In the same way, however, thoughts of peace, success, prosperity, right action, and

abundance, if sustained regularly and systematically, reproduce themselves after their

kind. We do not reap grapes from thorns or figs from thistles. The law is that we are

what we think all day long. Moreover, thoughts you originate feelingly and knowingly

are especially effective. Used properly, they will create for you whatever you wish to

experience from this day forward.

My goal was to help Ralph begin to make use of the miraculous power of his mind. I

laid out a program for him to follow that would remind him frequently of the riches of

the Infinite within his subconscious mind. Accordingly, I gave him the following prayer

technique. Three or four times every day, he took himself to some place where he could

be undisturbed. After putting himself in a relaxed state, he affirmed slowly, quietly, and

feelingly as follows:

Today is God's day. I choose harmony, success, prosperity, abundance, security, and Divine right action. Infinite Intelligence reveals to me better ways to give greater service. I am a

mental and spiritual magnet, irresistibly attracting to me men and women who are blessed,

comforted, and satisfied with my counsel and decisions on their behalf. I am Divinely guided all

day long, and whatever I do will prosper. Divine justice and Divine law and order govern all my

undertakings, and whatever I begin will result in success. I know the law of my mind, and I am

fully aware that all these truths I am reiterating are now sinking into my subconscious mind, and

they will come forth after their kind. It is wonderful.

He made it a special point never to deny what he affirmed. When thoughts of lack,

fear, or self-criticism tried to intrude, he would immediately reverse them by affirming:

The Lord is my shepherd. I shall not want (Psalm 23:1).

A few years have passed by. Today Ralph S. is a highly respected partner in his law

firm, and his name is often mentioned as a likely prospect for a judgeship. When your

thoughts are God's thoughts, God's power is with your thoughts of good.

The Riches of the Listening Ear and Understanding Heart

I have carefully saved a wonderful letter I received from a woman named Serena W.,

who listened every morning to my radio program. She told me that her husband, Robert,

had died a few months earlier of a heart attack. He was only 38. They had often talked

about buying life insurance, but the premiums were high. Money was tight, and there

didn't seem to be any rush. As a result, she found herself a young widow with a 10-

year-old son, few marketable skills, a heavily mortgaged house, and practically nothing

in the bank. She had to borrow from her best friend to pay her husband's funeral

expenses. Disaster seemed only days or weeks away.

She wrote: "I heard you quote from the Bible: But my God shall supply all your

needs according to his riches in glory (Philippians 4:19). The words seemed to burn

their way into my heart. Then you elaborated on this. You told us that if we tune in on the

Infinite within us, if we believe in our hearts, then no matter what we really need to

bless us, comfort us, provide for us, or inspire us, the Divine presence would respond.

It is written: Before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will

hear (Isaiah 65:24).

"I sat down and began to think of God supplying my needs. I became convinced that

He was hearing me as I prayed. A great sense of peace and harmony came over me.

About two hours later, I got a phone call from my brother-in-law, Milt, in Seattle. Milt

is a software engineer who has been very successful. He and my husband were close as

children, but they weren't in touch that much in recent years. I think Robert felt a little

ashamed that he had not done as well in his career.

"Milt told me he felt devastated by the loss of his brother, and guilty as well. He had

often thought about spending more time with us, but he had been so busy in his work that

he never felt able to. Now it was too late. He went on to say that he knew Robert and I had not been in the greatest financial shape and he wanted to help. He was arranging to

transfer a block of stock in his company to me. The dividends would be enough to cover

our basic expenses. He was also setting up a trust to pay for my son's education. He

promised that we would never be in want. All he asked in return was that we stay in

touch and visit him from time to time. He did not want to make the same mistake with

his nephew—my son—that he had made with his brother."

How a Salesman Hit the Jackpot

A real estate salesman named Rick R. attended my lectures on Sunday mornings and

listened to my radio program regularly. He told me that he had been drawn into

speculating on the stock market and gotten himself deeply in debt. He had counted on his

income from commissions to pull him through, but in fact he had not made a sale of a

home or property in several months.

As we talked, I began to see what his real problem was. He was obsessed with

envious, jealous, and critical thoughts about his colleagues who were making many

more sales than he was. He claimed that everything about them disturbed him. He

deplored their sales techniques, their professionalism, their vocabulary, even the ways

they dressed. He went so far as to tell me that their success was proof of their


As we talked, I tried to show Rick that the jealousy and envy he was generating

reflected back on him. By minimizing the success of others, he was giving his own

subconscious mind the message that success is bad, that it is something to be avoided,

and his subconscious was responding accordingly. His own obsessive thoughts attracted

lacks, limitations, and miseries to him. What we wish and think for others, we tend to

manifest in our own experience, because each of us is the only thinker in our individual

universe. We are totally responsible for the way we think about others as well as about


Once Rick realized the trap he had fallen into and accepted responsibility for his

own thoughts and wishes, he worked at reversing his attitude. Gradually, he began to

wish for all his colleagues the same success, achievement, wealth, and blessings that he

wished for himself. He taught himself to meditate several times daily upon the following


"I am a child of the Infinite, and His riches flow to me freely, joyously, and

endlessly. I am enriched in all ways with happiness, peace, wealth, success, and

outstanding sales. I am now stirring up the riches of my deeper mind, and rich results

follow. I know I shall reap what I sow, for it is written: Thou shalt also decree a thing,

and it shall be established unto thee; and the light shall shine upon thy ways (Job The change in Rick's attitude manifested in his relations with the others in his firm.

They started to see him as an inspiration and a source of advice and support. Today he

is in charge of his firm's most productive branch and is often called on to lead

workshops for the sales force. He has a solid reputation for his ability to teach others

how to sell wisely, judiciously, and constructively. The Book of Proverbs says: Poverty

and shame shall be to him that refuseth instruction (Proverbs 13:18).


Repeat the following meditation to help solve your problems for abundant living:

I know that to prosper means to grow spiritually in every dimension. God is prospering me

now in mind, body, and affairs. God's ideas constantly unfold within me, bringing to me health,

wealth, and perfect Divine expression.

I thrill inwardly as I feel the life of God vitalizing every atom of my being. I know

that God's life is animating, sustaining, and strengthening me now. I am now expressing

a perfect, radiant body full of vitality, energy, and power.

My business or profession is a Divine activity. Since it is God's business, it is

successful and prosperous. I imagine and feel an inner wholeness functioning through

my body, mind, and affairs. I give thanks and rejoice in the abundant life.


1. You are here to lead the abundant life, a life full of happiness, joy, health, and rich

living. Begin now to release the riches of the treasure house within you.

2. The real riches are within your subconscious mind. A geologist who believed in

the guiding principle of his subconscious mind found the treasure in the earth

quickly and easily; his rival, who lacked the faith, explored the same area for

weeks and found nothing.

3. The greatest secret in all the world is that God dwells in humans. The average

person looks everywhere but within himself or herself for wealth, success,

happiness, and abundance. God is the Life-Principle, the Infinite Intelligence, and

the Infinite Power within us, available instantly to all people through the medium

of their thought.

4. Poverty is a disease of the mind. Belief in poverty and lack produce lack and

limitation. Wealth is state of mind. Believe in the law of riches, and you shall

receive. Before we will ultimately banish the slums and poverty, we must first

banish the slums and false beliefs in the mind of people.

5. You can tap the riches of your subconscious by claiming guidance, abundance,wealth, security, and right action. Make a habit of meditating on these truths and

your subconscious will respond accordingly.

6. If you lull yourself to sleep every night with two ideas, wealth and success,

knowing that by repeating them you are activating the latent powers of your deeper

mind, you will be compelled to express wealth and success.

7. Infinite Intelligence in your subconscious can only do for you what it can do

through you. Your thought and feeling control your destiny.

8. When you believe that the nature of the Infinite Intelligence in your subconscious

mind is to respond to the nature of your request, the answers will always come to

you and in ways you do not know of.

9. Your thoughts are creative. Each thought tends to manifest itself in your life.

Thoughts of promotion, riches, expansion, and achievement, provided you do not

deny them subsequently, come forth after their kind. You promote yourself. You

answer your own prayer because it is done unto you as you believe.

10. Be careful when you affirm wealth, success, right action, and promotion that you

do not subsequently deny what you affirm. That would be like mixing an acid with

an alkali, and you would get an inert substance. In other words, stop neutralizing

your good. Thoughts are things. What you feel you attract, and what you imagine

you become.

11. Be sure that you are not envious or jealous of the success, riches, and wealth of

others. Remember, your thought is creative. If you are envious or critical of those

who have amassed wealth and honors, you will impoverish yourself along all

lines. What you wish for others, you tend to create in your own experience.

12. Whatever you really feel to be true, and so decree in your life, will definitely come

to pass. Decree riches, health, beauty, security, and right action. Thou shalt also

decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee; and the light shall shine

upon thy ways (Job 22:28).

13. Use the meditation at the end of the chapter to realize a more abundant life.