Once Upon A Full Moon ~ {Book 1 of The Wolves of Lockincester}

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Chapter 1 - Prologue



I watch as the wolf darts out of my front door, taking its stroll as it does every night. I was always wary of wolves and scared as a child, but this wolf is very calm and almost understanding of me and what my goal is.

The wolf stops bounding in the light layer of snow around my big yard and turns its head to the side to glance back at me, its dark almost black eyes questioning me.

"It's too cold out here for me, the temperature is below zero and I get too cold too quick." I raised my voice so the wolf could hear.

The wolf almost seemed to nod his head, jutting it down slightly and picking its head back up as it resumed walking forwards.

I know I'm not crazy, the wolf seemed to understand me lately, the way its eyes would watch my every movement. The way it would tilt its head when it was confused. Everything about this wolf screamed pet.

'Who would be crazy enough to keep a wolf inside their house as a pet? ' I think to myself and then remember, oh yeah. Me.

The wolf wasn't a pet, but I was keeping it in my house until it was completely healed from whatever had happened to it.

"How long will you stay?" I ask the wolf as I hold open the door and it walks inside shaking off the layer of snow attached to it from flopping around.

'I don't know...'

A voice whispers out to me and the wolf stops in its tracks as I gasp.

"W-what?" I ask out peering around the room.

'Did you hear me?' The voice whispers around my head again and I find myself instinctively nodding my head.

I hear the wolf yip and whine, and I close the door whirling around to see him sitting on the floor, peering at me with curious eyes.

"I think I'm going crazy because I swear you just talked to me. You're the only other living thing around." I said in skepticism as I approach the wolf still sitting eerily still and calm.

'You're not crazy, because that would mean I am as well'

The wolf snorts and then lays down

"Wait, you're actually speak-"

'Yes, I'm actually speaking to you, human'

I let out a gasp as I scramble up off the floor

"That's crazy." I say.

"Says the girl communicating with a werewolf." The wolf lets out another snort, his eyes narrow in like it's laughing.
