Chapter 58 - Happy New Year!!

Hello Nice and Nephew it's uncle Author wishing everyone a Happy New Year!!

I hope that everyone is having a good time with your family, friends or even if you are alone, I hope that all of you are doing well.

This year at least for me it has been chaotic but that are no new news for the majority of you that have been reading most of my ranting hahaha.

The last year I was not able to write as many chapter as I wanted or even at least keep a schedule to uploading at least a chapter a week or at least one every two weeks.

And actually someone complained about this in a review a couple of days ago hahaha. That my update times are a mess and that I always look for an excuse for not updating and 10 of my uploads are just for that, so he gave me a 1 star review.

And in a way he is not wrong.

I mean I understand that as a reader it can be annoying that I am unable to update chapters every day, multiple times a week, once a week or whatever as long as it is in a consistent way.

But at the end of the day, I do this for fun. I do enjoy writing, reading all your comments, smiling every time that someone leaves a good review or a support comment, I really do.

But I am an adult, I do not call myself Uncle Author just because I am a fan of Uncle Roger well mostly. I have bills to pay and have responsibilities. I do not get paid for for writing, as a matter of fact I doubt that anyone would paid for something I write, I like what I write well mostly... stupid chapter 4. I have not as many reads, comments and reviews as other fanfiction, hell when I post a chapter I do not even reach the top 200 on any category.

But I am fine with that hahaha

As I said I do this for fun, I love every part of it, even the haters in a way, since it makes me believe that I am doing something good, since the majority of the comments that I received are positive ones.

Maybe I do not have as many readers as other works, but it always brings a smile to my face seeing my old readers and new readers writing at least one comment, "chatting" with you guys and gals for a bit, and sometimes teasing you with what may or may not happen in the story.

You my niece and nephew have brought without knowing, joy to the life this self-proclaimed uncle, and I would not change this for anything. So I thanks you for this from the bottom of my heart.

*Uncle Author bows*

I am not going to lie about that this year I will be sure to update with more frequent cause I can't. My life as boring as it is, it's unpredictable, I do not know how much free time I will have available, but at the very least I can promise that I will not drop and no matter how much it takes me, I will update a new chapter.

Btw I am not drunk if anyone of you are guessing hahaha I don't drink alcohol.

So to finish this little speech, I want to wish every each of you, a good year and hope that in this year you are able to achieve any goals you have as well as having good health.

And without anything else to say/write, I hope to see you soon with a new chapter!

Uncle Author out!

*Drops the mic*