"Then, in that case, address me by simply Elma. It would be kind of awkward if I called you by your first name whereas I remain Miss Gray to you."
"Well, it is nice that you could come to my party, girl!" Mauricio said gaily. "I hope you've had the most fun here since yesterday. I hear you will be returning with your boss within the hour. I hope to meet you privately next time and hopefully, we can chat?"
"Hopefully you can do nothing," Riccardo barked, cutting him off.
When he saw the look of shock on everyone's face and one of disdain on Rissa's, he retraced his steps and looked to the side where Elma stood. "What I mean is, my Assistant here would not be making such appearances with me in the future. So, harbor no such expectations, my dear Mauricio." Riccardo muttered his last words through gritted teeth and a tight smile.
"Oh, that is fine considering you hid her away until the last minute to show her to us," said Rissa.