Countless dominant thoughts leapt about, like kindling awaiting the spark.
"Report the specifics," Casio said to Simonyi.
"Yes, sir!"
Simonyi immediately rehearsed the events of his few hours in the World of Calamities. From this information, Casio quickly deduced that the Dark Ultimate Entity was gradually making its way towards the portal between realms, incessantly hunting while slowly advancing.
"Extraordinarily gluttonous, or bearing wounds that need healing, requiring a large intake of food? Regardless of the situation, the bait I've thrown should be highly tempting to the Dark Ultimate Entity. If it catches the scent, it's sure to rush over..."
Casio pondered and made his judgment.
His gaze shifted as he looked at the loyal Simonyi waiting by his side.
"Come, over here."
Simonyi, slightly taken aback, obeyed Casio's command and walked over.