[Additional garbled data, recovery at 3:50. If unable to recover, open the directory and long press this chapter to re-download.]
"We need to let that group who call themselves Mages of the Magic God's Clergy know what real magic is."
"We'll have to choose a few Mages with high inspiration. Let them first pass a test of reason. Those who pass get a gift pack; those who do not, get a big gift pack."
"Wait... actually, there's another type of comprehensive war that's highly suitable for this world."
"Moreover, war doesn't always have to be fought with real swords and spears. There are trade wars, currency wars, these bloodless forms of war are still war."
"Damn, these people really disgust me. I can accept the War Goddess, but the War God is just..." Qin Muye felt a bit helpless, yet the situation did indeed fit the current state of noble warfare—affected, feeble, like child's play, never having seen bloodshed.
"Besides, more deaths means more cheap labor for me."