What are dogs scared of? Loud noises? What would make it more likely to come out than stay in? Aha!
You mount the steps and tiptoe across the boards until you think you're above where the best hiding place would be. You crouch down and then jump, landing with your feet spread to make as much noise as possible. CRASH! It sounds like something extremely heavy just landed.
A little brown dog shoots out from under the steps and runs like a furry little streak toward the stage. You follow just in time to see Cinnamon make a flying leap into the leading lady's arms.
"Cinnamon!" she says. "You found her!"
There's a patter of applause from the nearby stagehands. Cinnamon gives you a baleful look for frightening her, but she's back where she's meant to be.
Nichol gives you a sharp nod, apparently the most dramatic expression of gratitude he's willing to bestow. "Places, everyone! Let's get this started!"
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