You ride down the line of the caravan, your horse kicking at the slavers in your path while you shout out orders.
The drivers of the wagons in your caravan are too panicked to respond quickly, but eventually they turn around and move back to an area where the ground drops away steeply into the water. The slavers are forced to wade through deep water to get to land, and weighed down by their wet clothing, they make easy targets for the bows of your warriors.
Eventually, the slavers are forced to retreat, taking one hundred and nineteen of your tribespeople with them to their narrow boats, which slowly drift away into the mist.
As your tribespeople recover from the attack, you return to the head of the column. Drazha is binding a shallow cut on her arm. "Vanya is missing," she says. "I didn't see him taken in the raid. Do you want to look for him?"