As you step out once more into the main thoroughfare of Tar-Domos, you see a thin trail of smoke emanating from Seramet's yurt, and you start making your way there. Her yurt is often known as the spirit lodge, due to the practices that take place within it as well as its appearance. The outer skin is painted with depictions of stories that have been told by the steppe tribes since time immemorial: Perun, the god of light, riding the sun through the sky; the legendary chieftain Zelousek the Great making peace with Dumnia.
At the entrance to the spirit lodge are three carved wooden idols that tower above you, each some ten feet high. They depict Svarog, Ziva and Veles, the traditional patrons of your tribe. You stop and consider the statues for a moment. You've seen them many times before, of course, but tonight, they seem larger and more lifelike than ever.