An hour passes before Brana stops and turns back toward you. "Up there," she says, pointing to where the ground rises into a small, thickly wooded hillock. "The trail continues up there, but listen."
You can make out the sound of running water, coming from the direction she has indicated.
"The forest is large," Brana continues, gesturing from north to south, "but I know some parts of it quite well. Ahead there is a river, which runs across our path. Our attackers' trail must end up ahead. There is no way beyond the river at this point."
Kral looks at the hillock for a moment before turning to you. "Well, this is it," he says. "What do you want to do?"
You assess the ground ahead of you. There seems to be a cliff off to the left of this hill, while the rest of the approach slopes down more gently.