"Took you long enough, thought you were trying to run away" sarcasm evident in her tone.
"Nancy, that's no way to talk to someone who's not your mate; where are your manners? Nicholas scolded her.
I looked at him frowning at her.
"We are friends Nick" she smiled at me while answering her brother.
He looked at me almost immediately squinting his eyes for confirmation. Clearing my throat, I answered looking at Nancy with a full smile.
"Yeah we are friends" I sounded as if I was convincing myself also.
"Friends with secrets right?" she probed.
"Of course" I replied giving her a smooth pat on her hair.
"What secrets Nancy?" he asked.
"Oh no," I whispered to myself and looked at her tilting my head, ready to blow off if she exposed me. But luckily she didn't.
"Nick, that's why it is called a secret; I'm not supposed to tell you, It's girl stuff only" she replied winking at me, and I gave her a thumbs up.
Nicholas sighed "I give up on you girls" he spoke.
"How do you feel Nancy?" I asked her.
"Better, although I feel a little pain down there also," she said pointing to the area of the surgery.
"Yeah, it is as expected" I assured her. "You have to walk to release gas before you eat anything, and you might want to eat something hot or drinking water to aid the gas pain away."
"Walk with me please," she asked.
I have to be in Kings Hospital in the next three hours and I also need enough rest, I can feel my body moving with the slightest wind movement. It doesn't seem right of course.
I was about to disagree when Nicholas spoke on my behalf.
"Hey, I'm here to walk you, besides she was the one who performed the operation on you, give her time to rest Nancy". He spoke looking directly into my eyes.
"Ohhh, she did; I thought she was a Nurse" she looked surprised.
"I am a Surgical Nurse" I answered immediately.
"But Nurses..." Nancy was interrupted
"That's okay Nancy, no more questions you need to rest first, so we can walk later". Nicholas scolded.
"Okay," she lay down back starting to drift off to sleep.
When she started to sleep my legs began to wobble visibly. I wanted to hold on to the wall quickly, but Nicholas had already made himself my anchor. I flinched and almost remove my weight on him, but he didn't budge a bit and looked at me with concern like he was concerned, then he led me to the bed and spoke up.
"I'm so sorry for being a jerk yesterday, you didn't deserve it. " He sincerely spoke.
"I understand really, I would have probably done the same if I was in your shoes" I replied.
"Thank you for saving her life," he said shifting his gaze to look at his sister, "Nick told me what you did; I don't know how to repay you".
"By making sure Nancy doesn't know that, I would love that sort of payment". he seemed shocked at the condition for repayment.
I attempted to stand up to walk toward the door when I realized that my legs had started to fail me again; I saw Nicholas stretching out his hands with my side eyes when the door sprang open immediately then John walked up to me and held my waist to steady my steps. John looked up at my face, asking me questions about my health.
"How do you feel"? "do you still feel lightheaded"? "come with me let me get you drugs before you head out".
Before we left we looked in the direction of Nicholas, and I sensed something flash in his eyes when he looked at the hand around my waist, he held his lips on a thin line.
There was some silent communication between them because Nicholas nodded like he understood what John meant.
Then we left the ward to John's private room in his office; he had the biggest room in the hospital, something about his aura in the hospital felt off, but I just could not lay my hands on what exactly it was, more like I was less concerned about it.
He laid me down in the bed in his room and told me he would wake me up in the next two hours for Kings Hospital. After administering the drip he left the room, and I succumbed to the grips of sleep.