Chereads / Enjoy Things While You Can - (move to new link) / Chapter 11 - Meeting The Meerkats

Chapter 11 - Meeting The Meerkats

Entering Santoro's Music Store or Shop -whatever it is I forgot-, you're greeted with some old tunes playing in the background. Indicating that the shop indeed sold old time records or should I say Vinyl. But, if you enter the shop around 4:30 p.m. , you might hear a faint sound coming from underneath the floors of the shop.

Readers who remembered why, good job. Readers who have forgotten, let's dive delve into that shall we?

The front door to Santoro's opened revealing Carter and Kokomi. They made their way through the shop. The front door had a 'closed' and 'open' sign turned to 'close'. Kokomi held Carter's forearm and guided him to the staircase that would lead them to the underground live house. The live house also works as a studio where the Meerkats would have their jamming sessions.

"Watch you step", Kokomi warned.

Carter heard her warning crystal clear. He has been down these steps before so it wasn't a problem for him. Down the steps they went and was stopped by a brown door with a medium sized see-through glass. You can't see through the glass though, because a poster that said 'LIVE HOUSE SCHEDULE' covered pasted on the glass. They both can hear a faint sound coming from the other side of the door.

Kokomi opened the door with ease. Behind the door was a loud and heavy sound. It took a few seconds for Carter to adjust to the strong beat. It sounds amazing, music which suits his tastes.

Carter didn't know who was playing the music but he was indeed curious to find out.

Simon, the group's drummer noticed their presence and signaled with his hands to make the others stop playing their instruments. The room soon became quiet and Beyond, the group's leader began to speak.

"You're late by 2 minutes", Beyond states with a disappointing tone.

"Pfft, as if you're always early", Simon said, holding his drumsticks.

"Uh huh, thank you Simon", Kokomi said.

"Who's that?", Albert, the group's pianist asked, pointing at Carter with his chin while his arms crossed over his chest.

"This is Carter, he is visibly impaired and be nice to him", Kokomi introduced.

"Nice to meet you all", Carter greeted and waved.

"'re the fan Koko's been talking about for the past 2 weeks" Simon started, more of a demand for confirmation instead of a question.

"If you mess with our pearl, I won't hesitate to rip out your throat and take you out", Beyond threatened.

"What, on a date?", Albert asked, clearly not knowing what Beyond meant.

"NO! I meant punch him in the face or something! I HAVE a girlfriend you know", Beyond spat.

Carter felt at ease after that joke and chuckled.

"Carter, you can sit beside me while we jam. Though, I hope your ears can handle my strong beats", Simon offered nicely.

"No thanks, I rather sit in front of the whole band. I'll be your audience instead", Carter said.

"Alright then, here take a seat", Kokomi said, bringing over a chair.

Kokomi gently pushed Carter's shoulder downwards, indicating that he can sit. He took his seat comfortably and waits patiently for The Meerkats to begin performing.

"Thank you, and don't mind me. I want to stimulate my brain as I listen to your music. Play anything you want", Carter requested.

"Have fun", Kokomi said cheerfully.

The Meerkats skittered towards their respective instruments and got them set up. First, they did a series of warm-ups. Kokomi strapped her blue bass, covered with some bubble and butterfly stickers over her shoulder. Simon tweaked at his drums, fixing the tuning. Beyond didn't had his trumpet this session, instead, he had an electric guitar with lightning patterns over it. Last but not least, Albert sets up his keyboard and warms up his fingers by playing some scales.

The order goes : from left to right, Kokomi, Albert, Simon and Beyond. In a circle by the way.

Simon hit his drumsticks to begin the beat. The intro began with some chord strums from Beyond, then everyone joined in together when Simon began stepping on the bass drum while hitting the snare.

Albert played the melody he practiced and then Kokomi began to sing.

Long ago

I liked being alone

Time to let go

I might've neglected my own

Everything is white

While I'm in my head

No more colors

Always so dead

(my colors fade, my colors fade)

I thought that

I'll forever be alone

(It'll stay that way, It'll stay that way)

I turned around and went home

But then I look above me,


could see

under the leaves

That you were smiling right at me


I have a dream

My dear light

That I could lean

against you all night

So I can feel

(Sunny, sunny, sunny, sunny)

Sunny everyday

And the song goes on until the end. Sorry I wrote the lyrics unfinished and it's probably really bad.