Chapter 60 - Chapter 60

While sitting on the chair, Haru was waiting for the news.

Soon, Kyoshi came floating to him, and she said. "I have come back from the Dai Li's agents meeting. I have to admit, they don't deserve to be part of the organisation I created."

"So…" Haru said.

"They are using some electromagnetic device to brainwash people. When they heard that you are here, The Dai Li head said something about ambushing you. In short, they will invite you, and they will control you. His goal is to get you paying money to him." Kyoshi took a deep breath. "If I were alive, I would kill them." She seemed to be very pissed off.

Although he was a bit surprised by the news, it wasn't unexpected. Haru had already known about the head of the Dai Li, the one who rules Ba Sing Se. From the show, it's known that the King here doesn't know anything about the 100 years of war, so the citizens. Ba Sing Se was such a strong force that could alter the war direction, but they never fought.

If Haru became the king here and used the army of Ba Sing Se, he would regain the Earth Kingdom easily with a large wave on the enemy.

Now, Haru thought about what to do.

How should he deal with Dai Li?

They were planning to pull him into a trap. In that case, shouldn't he do to them what they would do to him?

He will control them anyway. It will help Haru to achieve his quest to become the king of Ba Sing Se. Very soon, a soldier came with two beautiful women.

They approached Haru, and they told him about the invitation of the Earth King to the Prince of Omashu.

The two women served a good purpose, which was to cloud Haru's thinking with instinct.

But that didn't work on him, since he was satisfied physically and spiritually.

Putting his hands in his pocket, he stood up and turned to Suki. "Stick close to me."

He didn't want to alert the enemy that he knew about their plans by telling Suki. But since she too reached a stage where she can see spirits, Haru thought he doesn't need to tell her.

"Oh, don't worry about that." Suki stretched her arms up.


Haru and Suki entered a carriage. They were guided through Ba Sing Se, a very large city with many streets and neighbours. This is what can be called a kingdom, Haru thought.

Very soon, they reached the palace, which was way bigger than the one in Omashu.

The soldier then took them to a secret passage next to the palace, which leads to somewhere underground. "The head of the Dai Li is down, and he wants to examine you before you meet the king. Hope you excuse us for treating you like that, prince."

"Never mind." Haru shook his hand and smiled.

The soldier smiled back.

Kyoshi spoke with anger. "By the way, I was the one to find Dai Li."

'Yeah yeah, whatever.' Haru raised his eyebrows and walked downstairs with the guard in front of them.

They soon reached a wide area underground. It was nice built, cold, and a little bit gloomy.

"Greeting, Prince of Omashu, Haru the hundred man." Said a voice.

In front of him and on a high plaza, sat a green-eyed man. He wore dark green robs. The upper of his head was shaved, and he had a thin moustache and goatee.

Looking at him, Haru couldn't help but think about some Chinese movies from his previous life.

This man looks exactly like villains in Jackie Chan's Chinese movies.

"Greeting… how should I call you?" Haru said.

"Prince of Omashu. I'm the grand secretariat of Ba Sing Si and the head of Omashu." Said the man. "You can call me, Long Feng."

"Haru, kill him already." Said Kyoshi with disdain.

"Hm…" Haru was playing ignorance. He walked around and he said. "So. Why do you have me here? Shouldn't I meet the king directly?"

"There is no need for that," Feng said. "After all, it won't take a long time to bring you down."

Haru didn't need to raise his head to know that some people were standing on the roof. They were earthbenders, strong ones above that. Haru could tell that.

"And Why is that." Haru spread his arms wide open, and then he waved them down.

The gravity around him got stronger.

Three men, who happened to be on the roof and aiming their hands at Haru and Suki, fell.


Their fall, unnaturally, was faster than anyone should.

They waved their hands, and the ground became dust. Yet when they fell, a strong sound was produced, and their bones cracking could be heard.

"What in the hell…"

"What are you doing…"

"I can't stand up."

They put their hands on the ground and tried to stand up. But they seemed to have no power to do so as the ground was pulling them down.

"Wait, are you bending gravity?" Suki asked.

"Yes. By the way. More are coming."

"Leave me one to deal with." Suki put her hand on the ground and flipped backwards. In her original spot passed a few stone fingers.

She ran forward to a man who was standing by the corner of the room. He slammed the ground with his hand, and a shockwave transcended. Suki flipped above the shockwave. The man then extended his hands are her, each time sending stones fingers at her. Suki dodged with ease. Soon, she was in front of him. That earthbender tried to attack her. Suki held his wrist, flipped, and threw him to the ground. She then twisted his wrist and broke it, before kicking his head and knocking him out unconscious.

Haru had to admit that she was good at fighting. Dai Li weren't easy fellas. They were shown to have the ability to create large walls in the Last Airbender show.

Seeing that Dai Li's head was about to stand up, Haru pointed his hand at him, before waving it down.


The gravity became stronger, and Feng fell. The chair he was sitting on cracked from the sheer force of the earth.

Not only he was pinned, but he was taking damage. A man's bones and internal organs can't handle the damage from the increased gravity. Haru didn't know how much, but it was around 4 times more.

If someone's heart weight increases even two times, their veins won't handle the pressure. Other organs were more fragile.

That's what made gravitybending so deadly.

More of the Dai Li agents were getting in the door.

Suki flipped backwards and reached Haru. She turned and said. "More of them are coming, what should we do."

"I want to test something." Haru stepped forward. "Suki, no matter what, don't look at me."

It seems that the noise brought almost every agent of the Dai Li. Many of them reached this place. They examined the situation before turning to look at their leader.

Haru took a stance as he raised his hands like a bird. "Listen everybody and look." He then stepped to the other side and started dancing. The Dai Li agents looked at him with strange glances. But that soon vanished when they realised how graceful his dance was. Haru was moving in a slow, yet clear way. It made the brain of Dai Li agents blank.

[Hypnosis Dance up to level 6]

"Dear Dai Li agent. Feng doesn't deserve to be your master. He had manipulated you. After making you agents, he took you here and killed your parents, and then, he hypnotised you to forget about it. Now you are remembering everything, and how he controlled you. You can't help but want to kill him."

Haru then clapped his hand.

The agents seemed to wake up from their dazes.

"What did happen?"

"Did he just dance?"

"Let's fight him."

"Hold on! I'm remembering something." One of them fell to his knees, tears filling his eyes. "Feng! He killed our parents and brainwashed us!"

The others looked at the man strangely. Then tears and emotions appeared on their faces.

Staring at Feng with hatred, they growled.

Feng, staring at them with a pale face, said. "You guys don't understand! He brainwashed you! I didn't kill them, he did."

"All he did was dancing!" a man from the Dai Li took a step forward.

A boulder, 3 meters in diameter, was raised from the ground. Its size showed how talented these agents were.

Another Dai Li's agent jumped and gave a kick to the boulder, sending it flying to Feng, crushing him on spot.

Haru took his gravity effect away.

Feng died. The boulder crushed him to death.

'Alright! I'm Itachi Uchiha, and you all are under my Genjutsu (illusion).'

It appears that Haru did erase Dai Li's memories and implanted more in them.

He wondered how long it would take for them to realise they were hypnotised.

The skill description says so. They won't forget the memories Haru implanted in them, but they will soon come to realise that they were manipulated.

Seeing the potential that his Hypnosis Dance has, Haru couldn't wait to level it up.

The higher the level, the more things he can do.

"Dear Dai Li's." Haru stretched his arms up and said. "Welcome your new king. Unless you want to die like these three, I advise you not to attack me. So, what do you say."


A/N: If you want to support the story and read advanced chapters ahead, go to:
