After Sheila left the sitting room, Aimée began to talk again.
"Are you sure you don't want to stay with us?"
"I have clarified things, don't let me regret telling you this," Caitlyn said and stood. Aimée sighed and Caitlyn smiled.
"Alright then, it's time for us to sleep. Come on Victor," Aimée said and Caitlyn's dad stood amidst grunts.
"Are you okay?" Caitlyn asked and held him. He nodded, and he and his wife went to the guest room. Caitlyn watched the TV a little more before she shut the TV and went to the kitchen to clean up the utensils she had used to cook. Richard walked in and began to assist her with the washing.
"So, the man found dead and mutilated in that parking lot was the plumber of the deceased? Do you think it's coincidental? The deaths occurred a day after each other," Richard said. Caitlyn had known that he would most likely want to talk about it.
"I don't believe in coincidence," Caitlyn said and Richard agreed.