They didn't just have to hide from the men, they had to hide from the dogs too. The icy water poured into their sneakers as they waded up the wide, rocky stream bed in silence. Then when they got to a thick bough that overhung the water they heaved themselves into it and climbed until they were hidden by leaves. They could stay here until the fall if only they didn't need to eat or drink.
To chantara, things were different.
"Anxious" is normal when there is something important on the line. It's okay to feel it. All emotions are there to educate you. What is not normal is for that feeling to be there all the time. Some emotions are supposed to be short term guests, others are welcome to stay for the long term.
Anxiety can come from paranoia or reality (eunoia), and it takes talking with a person who is wise to learn the difference and become calm within.