The next morning, the trio were back on their feet and ready for the next day's adventure. They'd all rested well during the night. Lucius even hummed, swinging his head left to right in rythyme to his song as they ambled their way to the Silver City.
Chantara on the other hand, had cloud of shadow under her eyes, formed from the sleep she'd lacked. Lucius had querried her, asking why her green eyes were looking so drained. He'd also begged her they didn't dispose of Tina and tried to save her instead.
If it hadn't been for his pleads, Chantara would have truly gotten rid of her human friend. Tina hadn't so roguish at the end of the day. She had mentioned it to her after all that she'd started to hear voices in her head. That was the final stage of dark magic possession. They weren't safe around her. She would have to be at alert, steadily watching her every moves.
And he dared questioned why she didn't sleep.