Chrysanthe tossed with much distress on her bed, sweating profusely in agony. The man was back and didn't relent in haunting her nightmares more. He was mostly shadows with hundred thousands of demonic warriors behind him. He lead the war ground. Evil creeping through his green eyes as he sat patiently on his barbaric black horse. Those green eyes were the only thing visible to Chrysanthe, with the rest of his identity cloaking in the immerse darkness.
He was waiting.
Waiting for something. Waiting for someone. The last image of his terrifying eyes caught Chrysanthe's. Terror gripped her tightly and fear rose up to her whole soul. She jumped up from the bed, begging the gods to end her pain. It wasn't the first time she'd seen this man. For two weeks now, she'd been having this nightmare of the demon king. She turned to her side and saw her bed was already empty. Margarette must had left the chambers already. She was all alone again. She could still see traces of the demon king's image.
The air was cold and near frosting. Even her thick sheet didn't do much in keeping her warm. She let her dark long hair loose. Chrysanthe thought for a while whether to invite Margarette back to her chambers, or to cope with the lonesome night all by herself. It was not like it would be the first time. She decided to get some fresh air, and maybe by chance, a miracle would happen and she would be beside her father. Just five seconds was all she begged for. She would try her luck.
Walking down the hallway sent chilly breeze down her spine. It was eerily empty with only guards at each guiding positions. They dared not stop her. At least not until she arrived at her father's chambers. She was forbidden at her father's presence like it was prosecutable to mention the gods name under Shadrack's rule.
It's hallways was dark and gloomy, with only the hint of light emitting from the arranged lamps that hung on the bare stone wall. It produced impressively high walls, having opulent stone vaults. Chrysanthe was about to make her way up the stairway to her father's chambers when the guard at the entrance stopped her. At least, they'd normally let her make her way up and let her through the passage way, then stop her at the doorstep of his chamber.
"I can't sleep. I need to see him." She requested. She needed him and had not the slightest idea why they'd keep her distant from her father. "I order you to make yourself disappear from my sight this instant!"She yelled with authority, but there was just so much left to learn of her. Her voice crumbled with tinge of fear, trailing off as she spoke. She didn't always mean to, but she was more fragile than a piece of egg. The guards said nothing and bowed in shame as there was nothing much they could do. They'd received top orders. Sadly, from a more powerful personnel than Chrysanthe.
"Oh dear," sympathized Margarette as she stood from afar, watching the forlorn scene.
Chrysanthe didn't know whether to cry or yell in frustration. She would want to know why her father disregards her presence so much to the point of detest. She wanted answers.
"Father." She cried out, but just loud enough for only her to hear. She didn't know when but freckles of tears had began to drop from her eyes. The pain, it was all to much for her to bare. "Father... I miss you." She whispered with so much agony tightening her chest. "I miss you."
"Hey! Who took my oranges?" A fruit seller barked out as soon as he noticed some of his oranges missing from his stake. It was almost tradition for pick pocketers to fully grow active in their pilfering. Things had to go missing, but these traders were used to it already. Not happy about it though.
Smell of fresh fruits filled the air, but was soon overthrown by the almost reeking odor of all kinds of food types that were line together, including spices like garlic, ginger, tumeric and others. Dried herbs and fresh herbs were arranged neatly at other stalls.
The market in Oij village was small, but it's village would be remarked as smaller. Everybody knew each other. It was one of those places where a stranger is noticed at the instant he steps his foot into the village. The population was very tiny compared to other cities. It's area was ruled by a ruthless Lord, feared amongst all villagers and even nearby ones. He was one of Shedrack's most trusted and loyal men.
Caius Andreas.
"Oh no, my big pot is missing. You thief! I must not find you... Or you are dead!" Grunted another man, wrinkles of distaste spread across his forehead.
Oij's market place was filled with it's people and other buyers from all other close by villages, shopping for various goods. The sale day occurred once every week and it was always a big one. Multiple items were sold at a cheaper rates and the people of Oij and other nearby villagers were always excited for the day. Farmers and craftsmen from the countryside would take their goods into the towns to sell.
"Aye! Who took my orange gown material now?!" A fat man at the stand of beautiful colorful materials fumed with anger as he asked repeatedly. Nobody replied but they scanned the vicinity to observe any trace of thievery. People walked here and there, shopping for goods of their choices. It was loud with various voices, some yelling, others conversing trying to arrive at a bargain. The environment lacked fresh natural air as people squeezed through to parade the market square.
"Oh no! The RUM!!!" Cried another man and immediately, all eyes diverted towards him.
"Tina!" Chorused a few number of them.
"Find her!!! I'm so dead today." Whimpered the rum trader.
A young noble lady happened to be one of the buyers on that particular Oij's sale day. She stood out finely out of the other women in her highly expensive gown, fancy hat and luxurious jeweleries. Her adventurous wild eyes craved for something new and better than her boring normal princess routine. An inquisitive side got the best of her as she wondered why all eyes quickly turned towards the rum thief. They'd been some other thieves as well. Why was the rum thief the most popular? And who was Tina?
"Tina?" Asked a trader, replying the young noble lady with another question. He continued as soon as he was signaled. "Let me tell you something about this young woman. She's a thief, and a bloody good one at that. She-"
"Koe, hurry up and find her, else I'm dead as you know it." Cried the rum trader.
"Oh, yes." He said, leaving his stall to his younger apprentice. "She took the captain's rum, aye?" He asked, facing the rum trader.
"Yes! I'm dead... I am no longer alive. This man will have me beheaded." He chanted, whelping in fear. "Oh no, I am already a dead man-"
"Get yourself together, Tir. We will find her." Koe consoled.
"Alright." Tir said calmly. "Alright. But if we do not, then, tell my wife I love her, will you?"
"Oh no. Please stop."
"Go go. Find her." Tir said to Koe. "Find her please! I don't want to die yet." Cried Tir aloud. "I still have to visit the water. I want to see a crocodile."
"Huh?" Puzzled faces stared blankly at him for his remark.
"What? I've never seen a crocodile before." He protested.
The young noble woman whose name was Lipa, still inquired why the people were so much in distress because of just one particular thief.
Behind her as she turned, just a few stalls away, Lipa noticed Koe still as a dead bird. His eyes were nearly bulging out in terror, mouth falling apart in disbelieve. She advanced a little, motioned her head towards the side Koe was facing. A material store was in front with varieties of clothing at the stall. The materials were straightened on a wooden rack, several ranging colors. Then she saw it. Or her.
A feminine figure with minimal curves stood in a hiding position, with a dagger at a throwing position. She had a cloak that covered had hair and a small part that hid her nose down to her mouth, making just her eyes visible. Lipa watched from a few distance apart, as this female let down the mask concealing her mouth. She tried to appear closer, but feared who the Tara person was and decided to observe at arms length. Even if that meant she wouldn't know, hear or see much.
Tina warned Koe again, reminding him of her deadly threat. "Say a word, and," she mouthed the words, then made a motion of her slitting her own throat, then pointed her finger towards him. She made all kinds of threats. It would only be a moment. Once she sent the rest of them away, she could succeed on her escape. She needed to hang on a little while, and Koe was pretty dense, yet amusing to her. "I'll. Kill. You." She mouthed again and he coward in fear. She was having her fun, till she threw out her dagger towards Koe, landing just few inches apart from him, on an empty wooden stall. He whimpered like a little baby, drawing a lot of attention to himself. And when people asked him what was wrong, he couldn't talk. Tina had aimed in planting more fear into him, till a man asked how the dagger had landed next to Kor. He bursted out in tears, pointing towards Tina's hiding place.
"Oh no. Bloody no!" Tina dashed out of the shadows as soon as Koe blew her cover. Lipa raced forward, rushing after Tina. The men as well, sprinted along the same path, with only one goal on their mind. They had to catch her. And Tina was fast. But Lipa was faster. Her path was clear and free of the crowds, unlike Tina's who had to struggle with barriers like tables, food stuffs packed in stores, and more people. She disrupted goods unintentionally as she ran from the men, sending a lot of traders to yell out in frustration. Wherever there was chaos and disturbance, Tina was there.
Her breathing pace increased, and her intense madness for wild adventure doubled as well. The bottle of rum in one hand, a short knife on the other hand.
Lipa didn't know why, but she wanted to see the rum thief. Something about her mesmerizing brown eyes, captivated her. Besides, her day was a hell of boring sprinkled with unentertaining events and a big yawn. She too was having fun in that moment. Just a few foot closer now.
Tina knew it wasn't just the men that were after her. The strange pretty woman she'd once been eying few minutes away from her thievery action, was also closing in on her already. If she wasn't any careful, she would be back in the dungeon. She couldn't afford to risk that. The end of the market square lead to a medium river. Once there, it would only take a few silver coin to get to the other side, then she was no longer in the harbour of Oij. She advanced further on her pacing, using her last store of energy. The riverbank was there, right in front of her eyes. Only few more steps and...
"Arggh!" She lost her balance, nearly tripping after bumping into a strange blonde woman.
"Watch it you moron human!" Chantara cursed, muttering some more curses under her breath.
"Moron? You're the moron!" Tina replied, boiling in temper.
"You there!" Yelled a deep voice. The men were almost behind her now.
"Stop her!" Cried a man from her pursuers.
"How dare a mere human speak to me like that!" Chantara demanded, a little out loud that made people stop to stare.
Tina couldn't make out much of her, other than her stone cold pale green eyes and ugly attitude. "You filthy..." She stopped, choosing to ignore and just run for her dear life. She didn't have time for that.
Chantara could not stand it anymore. The height of these humans? She wondered.
Tina was at the edge of the river bank already, saying something to the boat paddler when the unexplainable happened. The water rose up at man's height, and gobbled Tina whole. People yelled and ran for their lives, but to their surprises, the water calmed down almost immediately. People checked around for poor Tina but she was no where in sight.
A thin smirk appeared on Chantara's face and she was yet again, pleased with her godly powers. She lowered her head and continued on her journey in silence.