Chereads / Marine Brothers / Chapter 8 - SAR

Chapter 8 - SAR

In the morning, two of the five trucks came back to the mansion. Ali didn't sleep at night. He came down stairs to hear what the men had to say. Ali was furious and worried about the results of not finding her. He then went to the small house where Aminat was kept locked up. When the door opened, Aminat quickly stood up in fear. Ali stared at her from the door for a while before walking up to her

"Where did she go?" Ali asked her in an angry tone.

Aminat looked down in fear of what he might do to her. Ali looked at Muktar and Sadiq who were standing behind him.

"Leave us," Ali ordered.

Muktar gave Sadiq with a suspicious look before leaving. Sadiq also followed Muktar outside and closed the door behind him. Muktar and Sadiq stood by the door looking straight like bodyguards.

"All the traitors will be caught and punished," said Muktar in a slow threatening tone

"Yes, even the back stabbing abominations will find themselves rotting in hell," replied Sadiq

The two men now turned and looked each other in the eye.

"Don't bite more than you can chew boy. I will skin you and your conniving brother like pig that you are," said Muktar in a slow and angry tone.

The men looked deep into each other's eyes. Muktar slowly reached for a dagger he keeps under sleeves. Just then, Ali opened the door, he was not looking happy and just walked passed Muktar and Sadiq. Muktar then followed Ali to ask what Aminat told him While Sadiq went into the room. Sadiq found Aminat sitting and sobbing in one corner of the room. Aminat slowly rose her head and looked up at him. Sadiq was heartbroken. He picked Aminat up from the ground and gave her a tight hug.

"Just tell him where the woman is. Why are you being so stubborn?" said Sadiq

Aminat didn't answer him. She just kept crying on his chest.

Meanwhile, Muktar and Ali where discussing the next step to take. Ali was sitting at the dining table while Muktar was pacing slowly by a window on the side

"We should keep men in the villages that are close by," Muktar suggested

"That is the best thing to do but what will we tell the doctor?" Ali replied with a question

"We have to tell him," replied Muktar.

Ali pondered on what Muktar said for some time before picking his phone and calling Dr. Donald. Dr. Donald yelled at Ali over the phone for a while. After the phone call, Ali angrily threw the phone on the table. He then looked at Muktar before composing himself.

"He said the video should be posted, also assign men to the nearby villages to look out for her" said Ali to Muktar.

"Who does that bastard think he is" Ali muttered to himself when Muktar left the room.

At almost mid-night, Toby, Shawn and Alex were sitting in the dark room quiet and hungry when they heard sounds of people struggling outside at the door. When the noise stopped, they all stared at the door in dead silence. The door was slowly unlocked and opened. A man walked into the room but they could not see who it was. The man then flashed a small torch light at Alex, Toby and Shawn.

"We found them, on our way out now" said the man before flashing his face with the torch light.

"No, fucking, way!" exclaimed Alex while Toby and Shawn gave a short laugh of shock, surprise and joy. The man was John.

"Hello ladies" said John

"Where is Chess?" he asked after looking round the room

"I think they took her somewhere else," said Toby

"Maybe they are keeping her in the main house," added Shawn

"Fuck! Okay. We will come back for her after we get you guys out of here," said John

Toby, Shawn and Alex nodded in agreement before going out and meeting with two other soldiers at the door of the room who were the lookouts.

"Alright let's head out," said John. As he led the way.

The six of them slowly walked slowly and carefully between the cars in the compound. On their way, John bumped into one of the compound guards. In an attempt to knock him out before he blows their cover, the compound guard mistakenly pulled the trigger to his AK 47 rifle. The sound of the gunshot echoed through the night. Immediately, the lights of the main house where being turned on one after the other. Soon, other compound guards were headed to where they were.

"Shit! Shit! Shit!" yelled John

Seconds later, the compound guards were alarming each other after they found some of the men John and the other two soldiers knocked out and killed while coming in. Soon, shots were fired at John and his Team.

"We have been compromised; I repeat we have been compromised. Initiate plan B!" yelled John over his earpiece.

"Initiating plan B, stand by," said a voice of in reply over the earpiece

The guards soon had the six men back against the compound wall and where slowly approaching. John and the two other men fought back killing several of the compound guards but there was only so much the three of them could do and they were running out of ammo

"We are fucked, we need back up!" yelled John over his earpiece.

"Where are they all coming from?" he then added

"I've got one clip left," said one of the soldiers

"Me too" the other soldier added

"I've got two," said John

The three men stopped shooting and took cover behind some of the trucks and crates that were stacked up in the compound. The compound guards also seized fire after figuring out that the marines were out of ammo instead, then cautiously approached John and his team by hiding behind objects and slowly surrounding them.

"Surrender now and we might spare your lives," one of the compound guards yelled

Suddenly, they heard sounds of gunshots at the main compound gate all the guards then turned their focus to the compound gate. John then gave a big smile of joy and relief.

"I love these guys," said John to himself after the sounds of the gunshots at the gate ceased.

As soon as he finished talking, a loud bang! Shattered the compound's wooden gate. Four Humvees zoomed into the compound through the debris made by the blast and formed a barricade by the gate. Several marines jumped out of the Humvees and opened fire at the compound guards. The intense battle lasted for minutes with the compound guards killed. After the compound was cleared, John, Alex, Toby, Shawn and the two other marines came out of hiding and met the other soldiers.

"I am Captain Velazquez, nice to meet you," said the head of the rescue team as he gave a hand shake to Shawn, Toby and Alex

"There is a possibility that they are holding one more marine in the main building," said John to Cpt. Velazquez

The captain looked at his men and the house for a while. "Okay, bennet" said the captain pointing at one of the marines "treat and stay here with these men," he added pointing at Shawn, Toby and Alex

"Five of you will stay and secure the perimeter, John and will go round the house and cut the power while I and the rest of you search the house. Understood?" said the captain.

Immediately, one of the marines shot a couple of rounds at a window upstairs. Everyone turned around alarmed.

"Got him, I think there are some still hiding inside," said the marine

"Alright load up," ordered the captain

Soon, everyone was in position. The all put on their night vision google and waited for John the cut the power.

"Stay frosty" said the captain as the power shut down. One of the marines shot the door lock and kicked it open the marines swiftly moved through rooms and doors throwing flash bangs and shooting down the guards that where still hiding in the house. The marines searched all the rooms and floors of the house and where soon gathered outside again.

"We didn't find anyone, the doctor is also gone" said Captain Velasquez to Shawn

Shawn was disappointed and confused thinking of what to do next. John then approached with two women walking in front of him.

"I found them hiding behind the house" said John when they got close to them.

"Good maybe they know where they took her," said Shawn

"Yea nut they don't speak English so…" replied John

"We should head back to base. We will figure out what to do there," said Captain Velazquez

The marines soon entered their vehicles and headed back to base.