"Oh, Ava, you are so fucked up with this experience of yours, seriously, you should be ashamed of yourself," she said.
That was all she said and she genuinely mean everything that is happening to her.
As she slid down from the bed, her eyes widened when she was stack naked, and as if that was not enough, the bedsheets had a fine of blood on it.
Hurrying to the bathroom after she had to picked her clothes, Ava made her way there.
The bathroom had a small connecting door to the main room and it is in this fashion that she was able to recognize the deeds of one another.
Hendrix had been a great partner to
have sex with, and even though a couldn't figure out what had happened through out the entire process, she knew for sure that she had being screaming her lungs out for help as she was in the mood of making love.
That is super crazy, and no matter what is even going to happen to her, she just let it slip out that way.