Myself "Doing that works and getting ready for you, know that time is nothing and too short after live for me, my and own" I thinking of it mirror toward me thought appear. And the weekend that was also been too terrible express that "i want myself free..." I know i'm shouting.
And loving her beside of pain and me. She's the wound paste that kept me in clam,peace and fragile. Because when you know where you heart lies in...And the quote in display."It may in left. But, always right. Keep in mind"- Oh..!! Right i remind of it. In the course of dilemma. I'm in always feel trouble at...left or right, may or might, lean it or leave it, and and heart or mind..
Is things are so complicated?
Or we making it complicated?
And you may gonna say where is pain???
Yes, it never. Nor in mind or, neither in my heart.
It just a feeling of fault emotion... That, something get wrongly. I known it's wrong. I feel i get wrong and "boom*" fault emotion appear of pain that make pain in me; pain and me.
Lack of sense that make mind unkeen, dull, unclear, difficult everything's that make towards negativity. So sharpen yourself p