Few hours after Ria went to sleep, Jixi was shouting!Fire!Someone help, brother Chan help me.Jixi's voice woke Shia.Ria who fell asleep in the library, woke up and ran towards Jixi's room.On her way Ria started chanting and summoned a windbeed to help Jixi.Jixi was crying and shouting at her help as she was just an ordinary princess.She had no magic as she didn't perform a ritual to gain spiritual powers.Shia was trying hard to control the fire, she was throwing water and dust on fire.After so many efforts Shia decided to go inside and save Jixi.Chan was staying in room made on the opposite side of the balcony.He saw fire in his dream and heard Jixi's voice.He woke up and saw fire, Jixi was crying and shouting at his name.Chan was a spiritual power Master who had his powers with his birth.He panicked but he controlled himself and started chanting suddenly weather changed and rain started pouring.A stream of water extinguished fire and Jixi went into shock and fell unconscious.Shia was about to enter into room but Ria's winds were rescued Jixi from falling wooden pillars.The house became a mess.Chan stood and ran towards his sister.When he saw his sister in such condition he couldn't hold his tears.He held his sister in his lap and started healing her with magic.Ria wanted to help but she retreated.She asked Shia to leave China and Jixi for the time.Chan was chanting, Jixi opened her eyes and saw herself in her brother's lap.Jixi saw tears in her brother's eyes.She wiped out tears and called her brother, brother Chan open your eyes look I am okay now.Chan hugged Jixi and scolded her, what were you doing!How did the house catch fire!.Jixi told Chan I was sleeping when I smelled the burning smell when I opened my eyes I saw a fire everywhere.I shouted for help but the fire was raging and I couldn't get out of my room.Shia came near Jixi and asked, are you okay Jixi?I feel terrible;I couldn't take care of my guests.Sister Shia it's not your fault, but how did the house catch fire?Is everyone okay?Ria, mother?Is your mom okay?Aunt is fine, I checked her on my way to here, she was sleeping soundly.Shia asked Ria and Chan to follow her.Chan stood holding Jixi in his hands.He asked where we are going sister.Shia told Chan that she knows a lake in which if Jixi will bathe, she will heal rapidly.Chan and Ria followed her and reached a place full of plants and butterflies.The lake was mesmerizing.Shia asked Chan to leave Jixi there and wait for them.Ria and Chan were keeping eyes on each and every movement at a distance from the lake.Shia asked Jixi to go inside the lake but Jixi was a bit hesitant so Shia held her and dove.After few hours Shia and Jixi returned from the lake.Shia send a butterfly signal to Ria and Chan to return.After they returned home Shia asked Ria for some herbs, that Ria brought back in no time.Shia made a portion and gave that to Jixi, "Jiz this portion can heal any injury, have it ".Ria come with me, what happened to Shia?Why did you call me out?.Ria asked Shia.Shia was surprised about how the house caught fire.She asked Ria if she can figure out the incident.Ria said she has something to tell her and when the time will come she will reveal it, but for time being she would have to solve this matter.She was going to inform the village head about the incident.Ria said Shia you need to focus on your mother she is not in a good condition.Shia suddenly asked Ria "I don't know why but I am having bad feelings about this incident!how about we send Jixi and Chan back to their home, but it may hurt Jixi's feelings?Do you know how sensitive she is?what should I do?Ria said "don't worry I will ask headlady to tight the security of the village.I am going to report an incident to the head in the morning and ask her about the book too".