As the lesson had ended the gang went to school cafeteria with little worry inside. Situation on lesson made a shocking reveal: bullies will manipulate other students to bully Chase, because as the gang was walking through corridor, many students were looking at Chase and called him "titty's son" for example. Kurt told Chase to calm down and try to ignore this, but it was clear that ignoring this is getting harder and harder for Chase. When the gang entered cafeteria they chose the furthest table from bullies and took their meal. Then they started eating and luckily, bullies weren't watching them. Also Chase after sleeping on lesson finally got the energy to study for this day and promised his new friends that he will ask his employer for less work hours.
Kurt: If something happens, just call us, we will help you.
Nigel: Still, we didn't have your number of your phone.
Chase: Oh, one moment (pulls out his phone). There.
Lance (sighs): Looks like you need a new phone. I don't want to insult you. You work hard to save your life and...
Chase: It's OK Lance. Let's exchange our numbers already.
It took 2 minutes to do it and luckily bullies still didn't notice them, which was a good sign. The gang continued their meal, but when they were doing it, other students in cafeteria were called by bullies who pointed at Chase as an object of bullying and humiliating. Natalia noticed this and got mega-worried, which got Lance and Aaron suspicious.
Lance: Ehhh, is everything alright?
Natalia: Just look behind.
Everybody turned their backs to see bullies with many students behind him with sinister smile, because of this sight Chase heavily gulped.
Peter: Hey "mommy's baby"! Wanna have some fun?