Chereads / BLOOD LEGACIES / Chapter 19 - A Ride

Chapter 19 - A Ride

I quickly set my bag when I heard the bells, Dace will be here soon, and he offered to take me home, how could I say no? I was a blushing mess when he said that. I had already changed back to my own clothes.


I turned to see Dace's mom walking toward me. "How're you feeling?"

I blushed, her voice was filled with concern. "Fine, thanks to you um…" I bit my lip realizing I didn't know her name or what to call her.

Her smile broadened. "Camille Devereaux but since we're here you can just call me Mrs. Devereaux"

"Okay," I muttered.

"Make sure you take some pain killers when you get home and have a nice sleep you will be okay by tomorrow"

"I don't…" I licked my lips. "I'm not sure we have that at-"

"Here" she handed me a bottle of medicine.

"T-Thanks Mrs. Devereaux, you're so nice"

"A friend of my son is a friend of mine" she mused.

I smiled pulling some strands of my hair behind my ear.

"I heard Emma but I didn't quite catch your last name"

"Oh Adams, Emma Adams"

"Hmm I see…" she said but the tone was quite shifty. "Adams… are you new here?"

"Y-Yes, I recently moved here"

"That explains it" her gaze leveled, and my curious habit kicked in like an adrenaline rush.

"Do you know my aunt? Vanessa Adams, you seem pretty familiar when you heard my last name"

"In fact I do" her eyes trailed behind me.



I whirled seeing Dace at the door, he was in his black jacket this time, his school bag hanging in his hand, and the other was in his pocket jeans. Even though he said my name his eyes remained behind me, on his mom.

"Are you ready?"


"I will be seeing you, Emma"

I whirled back to her, a smile on her lips, I was dying to ask what relationship she had with my aunt but I guess that would be later.

"Bye Mrs. Devereaux"

"Bye, Emma" she mused, her eyes darted to her son. "Get her home safe, honey"

I faced Dace who remained quiet. I leisurely sauntered to him as we walked out the doors.

"Your mom is pretty nice"

"What did she say to you?"

I blinked. "We just talked"

His eyes fell on me pinning me down and I refused to look away. "She just asked my name and told me to take care of myself"

"Is that all?"

"I don't understand-"


I turned, seeing as Owen sauntered to us, acknowledging just me, his brown centered on my green orbs.

"How are you feeling, didn't see you in other periods"

"Yeah I was told to rest"

"Heading home?"

I nod.

"You could join me, I mean not the jeep, I got my jeep"

"Your jeep?" I asked with a smile. He smiled back.


"I'm taking her home," Dace's voice was firm and irritated. Owen's eyes finally fell on him, their gaze was strong, too heated for my liking, but I knew then Owen didn't quite like Dace, I would ask him why next time but right now I had some understanding to clear.

"Dace already offered to take me home already, I could ride with you next time"

His eyes were back on mine and they seemed to soften. "Sure" he muttered with a forced smile.

My gaze darted to my side but Dace was already walking ahead. "Bye!" I followed after him.

"Will you slow down, I can't keep up"

He stopped all of a sudden and whirled and my body froze up, why does he have angry eyes?

"Are you okay?"

He moved his eyes away from me. "Get in"

"What-" I paused as my eyes fell on the black Lamborghini, the door sliding up. My lips went apart and I tried to stop myself from staring too long, my eyes snapped back to Dace.

"Well?" he nudged his head for me to get in. I wanted to say something but I kept my mouth shut, doing as I was told. The door slid shut and I was instantly filled with a wonderful fragrance in his car. I rubbed my sweaty palms on my knees taking in the view of the luxurious seat and display, I gulped, I felt like a misplaced puzzle in here.

Dace was in, his door slammed shut, and he remained silent as he threw his bag at the back of his seat like some garbage, I wouldn't blame him though, I do that in my room a number of times.

"Where's your house at?"

I called the street and he pressed the button and the car geared up.

"Your seat belt" he intoned, I quickly strapped it on even as I was clumsy with it he patiently waited until I was done. But wait, he wasn't using his, should I say something?

He reversed and turned smoothly before driving into the road. Who knew driving would be so hot?! Everything Dace does IS hot.

My gaze was leveled as I played with my cardigan with my fingers, it was awfully silent and it was getting uncomfortable. I had a feeling Dace was angry about something, speak Emma, speak!

I opened my mouth but his phone rang.

"A-Aren't you gonna pick that? " I finally broke the silence, his phone rang for the 3rd time but he made no attempt to answer it.

"Just leave it," he said in a ragged whisper, his eyes on the road.

My eyes darted to the caller, I frowned, who is 'Angel'?