It's been 6 years and I am now out of school, I graduated early because of my intelligence, Im 7"3 right now and Im built like I'm made of 1000 pounds of tungsten, diamond, and iron, My brother didn't die, I managed to convince him to stay home with me and play ball, I'm participating in the draft for the NBA next week and I am not nervous at all compared to most, I will be the youngest NBA player of all time, I'm just wondering what team I should pick, because I know they'll all want me, I never hold back when I play Basketball, and I'm now strong enough to shoot from a 6 court length, so I'm planning on showing off by no look shooting from full court. I'm almost at the stadium where my attributes will be tested. I push open the doors of the stadium and see about 200 people, but I don't care, this will be a piece of cake.