"Blackpool Boarding School for Missfit Young Ladies, no muggle will ever get in. This is An all girls Wizarding school. You can specialize in three things. Well, technically four. Though only few do. I'm one of the few. The three 'Legitimate' ones are: Moral interactions, Forest protection, and Pure arts. Or of course, Dark Arts. In most wizarding schools it's banned, in Blackpool it's just strange, kind of rare. While it may not seem like it, what you specialize in matters. All of your classes are dependent on it. As in, what classes, and teachers you get. The only thing as important is what house the book of choses sees you in. Or even better, when you (possibly) defy the book, and chose a different house. The houses are Lupus, Aquila, Pavo, and Vulpes. Lupus house colors are Dark purple, Black, and Silver and the mascot is a well its greek, wolf. Lupus house is well known for cunning, leadership, and resourcefulness. The Aquila houses colors are Dark Teal, White and Silver and the mascot for the house is an Eagle. Aquila is known for intelligence, wits, and overall thirst of knowledge. Pavo is Greek for Peacock. There colors are Dark green, Navy blue, and Gold . The Pavo house is well known for their courage, bravery and well showing off like a Peacock. The Vulpes house colors are Dark Red, White, and Gold, their mascot is a fox. Vulpes house are known for hard work, patience, and loyalty. Oh, and uh before I forget. Lupus is also known for having the most wizards to specialize in the Dark Arts. Probably because of most of the people in the 'LIVE ART' (the group that made the Dark Arts) were in Lupus. And in order to specialize in the Dark Arts you have to be descended from the Dark Arts." That's what the real brochure says, you know the ones that normal everyday muggles will never get.