The middle aged mister sat on the park bench, his back cramped as he focused his attention on the iPad in his hands.
He had a brown overcoat, the collars of it standing firm. Long enough to graciously cover his chin and part of his cheeks like he was some undercover or something. To that credit, he had a pair of black sunglasses in his face, his lips twisted as his fingers typed furiously at the on screen keyboard.
He was typing in some codes on a virtual simulator, his attention locked in his craft. So engrossed he was, he did not notice the older looking man walk up to him, standing at his back.
Only until the man had rounded the chair, coming to sit beside him that the tech mister looked up from his screen.
"I see you're typing those codes again." The newcomer cheekily grinned.
He was a burly bearded man with white hairs. His eyes had some lines around them, revealing the sunken state while lines of old age crisscrossed his face. He looked like some man with power but yet unwilling to retire yet.
His suit was a three piece. A milky white coat with a blue undercoat while he had blue trousers as well. And a white tie spotted with blue polka dots.
"How did you find me?" The glassed man sighed as he looked up from the screen. His lips twisting into a frown now. It was obvious, he did not like this company.
"I am the Police Chief. I have all the resources to find you if I want."
"Great! Tell your lackeys to get off me then and come do the job yourself. You've done a great job of trailing me so far, eh, father!" The man replied, returning to lock gaze on the screen.
Soon enough, the typing screen vanished. Pixelated images appeared one by one. But in the center of them, one picture remained, the whole set up of it clear and high quality.
He smiled.
But this did not go unnoticed by the father.
"We are not so much different , son. I use the force to crack cases and all the resources at my disposal l. You use a computer to find your information and crack cases. It's good." He smiled, extending his arm across the younger man's shoulder.
"What do you want?" The younger man sighed, stylishly pushing off the father's hand from his shoulders.
"Hm! Staying behind a computer to siphon information is cowardice. Real people go out there to find information. Not hide behind a screen." The bearded man sighed. He put his hands in front of him, tapping against the grass with his black leather shoes. "Jonas told me everything. About how you cracked the entire case, solved every bit of the riddle but looped him as the hero of the case."
"Police needs more heroes." The son shrugged.
"Interesting girl there. You like 'em black?" The father smirked, seeing the figure of a black skinned lady wearing baggy sweatshirt. And of course, the picture showed her throwing a key into window.
The window, slightly wound up. Just enough to allow the key pass through.
"If she was doing that, you know she's crazy. She wants to pay to get her key out again?"
"I didn't ask for an opinion dad. Certainly not a third opinion."
"Specific mention of opinion in that. Third opinion. Suppose Jonas is second opinion." The father cocked his head. "You know what I think? I think you cuckolded me. You cuckolded me into awarding Jonas as man of the case. Gave your five minutes of fame to him. Why?"
At this, the son smiled, looking up as she shut the screen display. He turned a cheeky grin to his father now.
"You don't know? Allow me spell it out. It is because I am never giving you the satisfaction of seeing me as a top officer in the force." He chuckled.
The father fumed, the earlier smile vanishing now. He grimaced and then inhaled deeply.
"You know, the Maxwells is a name that is synonymous with homeland security. We have been in the security of the nation for many years. Decades. You won't ruin it for me." The father turned to him. "Your Uncle, my brother, runs the FBI. My sister is coast guard head. You would continue the family legacy. You have no choice."
The son smiled to this, shaking his head as if he was tired of the conversation.
"Don't you have somewhere to be? As Chief of police, I hardly think you have the luxury of time to be here."
"As chief, my position actually creates that time for me. I can stay away from work. I earned it. But not you. You have been skipping work, son. I would not have it. Not now. Not EVER!" He roared out.
"Then fire me!" The son roared out as well, his voice matching the intensity of the father.
The two of them stared balefully at one other, the father's eyes twitching at the insolence of his child. While the son glowered, unwilling to let down.
"You can't tolerate laziness. Kick me out of the force. Shame me out. Pull all the strings. In fact, disgrace me out of the force, father. Do IT!" The son challenged.
Stunned silence overtook the father as he heaved deeply. He shook his head, tearing his gaze from the son, forward to the rest of the pack.
Observing the kids laughing about on the swing while some raced to ice cream stands for the evening treat.
"Haha…" The father laughed now, patting his right leg. "I see what you are doing. I forbade you from leaving the force so you are goading me into kicking you out. That's smart! Very smart. You're a true son of your father. But it won't work."
"Tch." The son hissed. "I'll try harder next time."
"If you're so eager to leave the force, then you have to be worth it. Solve one case, ONE CASE!" The father held a shaky finger to the face. "And I will let you leave. One case, to buy your freedom."
With that he stood up, his face furious with a glare, his breathing haggard. This had not turned out to be the discussion he had looked forward to.
He took a step forward, readying to leave when his son spoke, his words freezing him on the spot while bringing a smirk to his face.
"And what is this case? This case that would buy my freedom, what is it?" The son queried.
"Return to your office. Jonas is waiting for you. When you solve the case, I will be there to grant you what you desire." The father replied.
"What sort of scam is this? Tell me what the case is now?"
"If you're really a detective that you are, you would find the case. We are connected son, you and I. When you find it, you'll hear from me." The father stated, with a firm voice.
Afterwards, he patted his jacket and then stormed off, power walking away. Howbeit, a smile was pasted on his face.
He was winning.
Shortly after, the son inhaled, focusing back on his screen. But just as he did that, another mister dropped into the sit.
Without even looking up, the son muttered a name.
"Jonas! Fuck you!" He cursed.
"What? He was asking questions." Was the reply the reply from Jonas.
"You could have lied. Deflected. I gave you the spotlight man. What is wrong with you?"
"Really? Lie to a Maxwell?" The crew cut hairstyled Jonas clapped in mockery. "The maxwells are rumored to make a man of whatever caliber disappear. You think I was eager to find out if the rumors were true?"
"I'm your friend, Jonas. I would go through hell for you." The son whisper yelled.
"Me too, buddy. But I won't face a Maxwell headlong and lie. I'm too young to disappear. Nobody is too stupid to get in between your father and you. So don't count me on that." Jonas sighed, resting back against the chair and stretching his legs.
"If there's any consolation, we got a case at this estate. About property trespassing. The girl who lives there is black pretty one. Think she looks familiar to that black girl bum at Middletown street." Jonas said. "Maybe you want to come and see if she's the one or my eyes are deceiving me."
"Come on, you're a better detective than I am. Help an old friend and maybe I would consider lying to a Maxwell to cover up for you."
Maxwell junior smiled at this, looking to his friend.
"Let's go! Maybe this might be the case old man wants me to fix." He muttered the last words under his breath as he rose to his full height, tucking the iPad under his right arm.