Chereads / A Cupid's Love Story? / Chapter 4 - Chapter 4: Meeting up

Chapter 4 - Chapter 4: Meeting up

"Yo! Carl!" I called out to him, catching his attention.

"So you really came?" He said as he stood up nervously with his hands pressed on the table.

I yanked my hand behind his neck, "What are you standing up for? You're so nervous!"

What do you mean "You really came?" Haah!? Like hell I'd want to! If not only for you! I WOULD'VE BEEN WITH EATING LUNCH WITH JULIANA RIGHT NOW! Well, if only I can say that.

"Of course I'd come, we're friends right? Who would ditch their friends when you invite them for lunch?" I would though.

"Uhmm... I don't know?"

Who the hell is this loner, give him some friends Auth!.

(Well Yeah, I just did though.)

Not me asshole!. I gritted my teeth and showed my middle finger to the sky in my mind. I can also imagine that dipshit is smirking right now! So Annoying!

"Never mind that, let's eat already I'm starving!" Like hell I'm hungry! I could puke for this very clingy, friendly personality! It's disgusting! Why did I even think of having this kind of personality in this plan!

(Meh, not me probably)

"O-oh yeah, let's eat" Carl took his seat and opend up his packed lunch.

"Ohh that looks good, did you make it?" I was amazed when he opened his packed lunch, it was like it was made with love, just like how girls make their lunches to give to their crushes.

"Hmm? O-oh yeah... I- I made it"

What?I was shocked, I just asked that jokingly, but aren't you more feminine than other girls?

"That looks delicious! Can I have some?" I asked.

"S-sure sure take some… here" he handed me a small onigiri to my lunch.

"Nice!" I ate it immediately. " Oh, it's more delicious than what I thought!"

"T-Thanks… I'm aiming to be a chef thats why"

Oh nice ambition

"Man, Your Girlfriend would be happy if you make this for her everyday" I spoke out my first plan.

I get to ask him if he has a girl or not, then if yes, mission complete, if no then I'll ask him if he has someone he likes, if yes then ask him who nonchalantly(Forcefully), if no then mission complete, my plan is done, if Julian's heart were to lose hope, then I would help her as a friend to cope up with her heartbreak and then that's where I'll make her fall to me and confess and after that... Hehe mwhehe, mhwuhehe.

There was a grin on my imaginary face in my mind.

(Ew, that's disgusting of you. You're every womans enemy, can't believe I made a character like you, I'm embarrassed as your author.)

Shut up! You're the one setting me up!

Back to reality. Carl was embarrassed, he was blushing from my compliment.

"Don't be so exaggerated, it's embarrassing, it's not that good"

"But it's well made though? If you think so then I believe you can do it"

"O-oh thank you" Carl was redder than before.

What the hell are you blushing on? You swing that way?

"Now then carl, back to business" I sat at the chair on the opposite side of the table, holding both my hands like what they do in an interogation.

"The importance of friendship is... LOVE TALK!" Step 1.

"W-what!? What are you talking about!?

"It's the best way to be close with each other! Now then can I ask who-" before I could finish, someone tapped me at my back.

"Hi Steven! So this is where you ate!"

It was a girl

"What the-"

Her glistening cute smile was so bright, my heart took damage because of the cuteness. Wait... WHY ARE YOU HERE?

"Why are you here?" I told her with a calm and nonchalant voice.

"What do you mean why? I looked everywhere for you, I wanted to ask about our plan and-" before she could finish her sentence, she saw Carl.

"Eehhhh!!??" She sounded cute when she was shocked. Then she whispered in my ears.

"*You too meet up? So you've already known each other?*"

"*No we just met this morning*" We were whispering Infront of Carl but I never minded it.

"*What!? How!?*" She whisperly exclaimed.

"*Don't worry about it*, ah sorry about that Carl, let me introduce to you my friend(lol) Juliana"

"*WHAT M-WAIT*" she bit her tongue.

I chuckled at her when she bit her tongue, and back to introducing, I looked at Carl's face.

He was beet red. More like he was even red than before when he was embarrassed. He was embarrassed when he saw Juliana.


"Um? Something wrong Carl?" I asked.

"Fue- W-What!? O-oh it's nothing haha..." He was all flustered and was suddenly patting himself to look presentable.

Beet red... Flustered... Fixing his self... No way right?

"A-ah! I forgot to do something! Bye bye Steven!" She hurriedly ran off.

Well it's probably a normal reaction since it's her crush, but the main problem is, why is Carl red? Maybe it's because he unsociable, but even so, his reaction just now felt strange.

"D-did you know h-her?" He asked while stuttering.

I got a bad feeling about this.

"Well yeah, she's my best friend (@#*!?)¹, why do you ask?"

"W-what!? O-oh no no its just... Nothing " his voice was getting lower and lower until he only whispers the words that he's trying to say, but I still heard it though.


"Oh there's only 15 minutes till classes starts, I need to get going Steven, thanks for having lunch with me... Byebye!" Then Carl ran off to Auth knows where.

"This is exhausting " I let out a sigh.

What was that earlier? It seemed like Carl changed his mood after seeing Julia- wait... No no no that can't be it hahaha, no there isn't such a thing like coincidence, maybe he just saw her beauty and was mesmerized or something(Perhaps you're panicking?) What!? No I'm not!

Well this very tiring.


Time passed: Steven walked home and arrived a bit early than usual

(Extra story!²)

"I'm back home" I said with an exhausted voice.

No one replied back.

"Is anybody else here?"

As I went in, I peeked into the kitchen but no one was there.

"Hmm?... Mom's not here? Did she went out to buy groceries?" With that in thought, I went to the living room and there I found my little sister, lying on the couch, fiddling with her phone. Seems like she's been playing all day long.

"Hey, stupid brat, where's mom at?" I snickered.

"What did you say!?" She stood on top of the couch and got angry, she was also pointing her finger at me having like a figure of a boss getting mad at her employee's

"Oh shut up and tell me where she went"

"Wha-! You're telling me to shut up!? Wait till I tell mom about thi-" before I let her finish her sentence, I took up a nearby pillow on the couch and threw it on her face.

Muffled by the pillow she shuts up, and after she took the pillow off from her face, I immediately took her down from standing on the couch and pinned her lying on the couch, locking both her hands with only one hand, I used the other to tickle her.

"Wai- Wait-... Stop! No- No! Ahaha- no stop it! I'm sorry! Ahahahahaha!" Even after apologizing immediately, I stoped after a few more seconds.


I was standing, catching my breath with both my hands on my waist

"Huff...huff...hahhh" I was panting for air.

"Aha... Ahahaha... Ahaha" she was also panting for air.

She was lying on the couch, both her hands covering her stomach.

"Now then, time for round two" I said once again while my fingers were showing that it was itching to tickle again.

"Ah Wait! She just went out to buy something! Please stop, I'm begging you!" She asks for forgiveness clasping both her hands towards me.

It's just a rare bonding time between my family.

"Is that so huh?" I looked down on her, showing the hierarchy of this family.

"I humbly apologize and ask for forgiveness your highness" she said with a tone of like an old knight.

"Both of you are at it again..." Mom came back on the wrong timing, she saw my little sister kneeling down before me while I'm standing Infront of her like a king.

"Oh you're back" I said.

Amd little sister then run to mother reporting everything that happened.

"Ah! You little -"

"Steven! Watch your tone! And apologise to your little sister!" She raised her voice a bit but she wasn't too angry, she was also enjoying the flow of the conversation a little bit.

But she did lecture me for a minute but all things good, my little sister snickers at me as she bought mom's acting on being angry at me. I went up in my room and continued to do what I normally do. Minutes later my little sister knocked.

"Come in"

"H-hey uhmm... Well~... Hehe" She's being shy to ask what she wanted, maybe because of earlier but I understand her even when she acts all cutesy and feeling not guilty.

"Don't worry, I bought that little cake that you asked and put it inside the fridge, go share it with mom and dad"

"O-oh T-thanks..." She was blushing, maybe guilty.

"No worries, come on... chop chop! Or I'll eat it all instead!" I acted like I was about to run off to take her cake.

"Ah! Noo!" And she went off like that.

"So annoying..."

After that I went down to take a peek in the kitchen.

Seing her taking her favourite cake from the fridge to the table, I could hear her voice leaking a bit "Yatta!... My favourite! Thankyou..." My mom who was near asked her

"So did you thank your big brother?" She asks.

"E-ehh... Well Y-yeah I did" she said embarrassed.

"Well, it's good that both of you are still doing well" mom left a small chuckle.

After hearing those things, I also chuckled a bit as I was happy by the scene, I was satisfied and went back into my room.


"It's time to sleep, I'm so tired, now then... The plan tomorrow is going to be this huh?..." I looked at my note book scribbled with plans, I don't know why I'm doing this.

After a moment on looking at the notebook, I fell asleep.

¹ Steven was cursing at Auth because I was emphasizing the word Best friend.

² Kinda still part of the story, so some plots here might affect future chapters.