Gaining entry into Black Quartet, Ezra concealed himself and teleported straight to Centra.
While going across galaxies wrangled him like a worm, going from star system to star system was far more manageable.
Also, the expedition was now only hours away.
Arriving at Centra, he took his time to make sure his body was completely healed before unconcealing himself in the closest transit station amidst other passengers.
He approached the main gate and noticed the guards had been changed, though they seemed to have heard of him because they were all looking at him weirdly.
Without any delays, he gained entry and took the Skyline to the Elder residence.
There, he found six Nascents seated beside one another, two of them being familiar faces, the Ent Ivesa and the Green Dragon Caverra.
While Ezra had no particular feelings towards the Green Dragon, the Ent was a definite asshole.
'Musad didn't come' he noted.