The bells rung out clear the students of Rider Crest High rushing up and down the halls to get to their various classes. Mingling with the populace wasn't very hard , all you had to do was just stride along and not act different. He'd been doing it since and he wasn't about to forget how to do it now.
His gaze fixed on all the students who absent-mindedly stared at the front of the class where Mr Finley just sat arranging and fluffing through stacks of paper on his desks. His eyes watched the class as he pondered, looking from the busy teacher who was obviously trying to sort himself out before attending to the waiting class, to the students each different in their own way. A girl chewed the tip of her pen, another boy had all attention on his phone, a girl doodled on her book another fiddling with her hair as she eyed the window.
He wondered if they noticed, if they realized or felt it consciously or unconsciously. He watched keenly as he took them all in before his eyes went back to the teacher who was now rising up a firm smile planted on his lips.
"Well for today we'll be looking at...."Mr Finley's opening remark was cut off by the door opening as another student walked in.
The laws of curiosity made sure everyone had their eyes on the door to see the new intake. He could already feel the discomfort radiating from whoever it was that had just walked in. It drifted his thoughts back to the previous night. The questions in his head were much and he knew he needed to find them out.
Apparently he had been gone for over a week, his mother having shown him the message he'd left in a wierd conversation he was sure he would not be having to discuss due to whatever had gone on the past week. He'd remembered the previous week but not the week he needed to remember and it haunted at him.
He still couldn't believe his mum had bought the crap story of him needing space as he apparently went for a cliffside hike. He remembered the feeling of disbelief on his face as she asked why she shouldn't have believed . He'd had to stammer and bite his own words back unless he was ready to tell his mum that he'd turned in a painful way to a wolf bigger than average.
He'd taken more time than needed in the bathroom scrubbing off the dirt and dried blood on his skin. Then grumbled as he cleaned the already dried and brown prints off his room floor and tossing the dirty sheets into the laundry.
Bringing his mind back to the class he sighed as he held his head with his palm. Questions buzzed through his head like a downloading file. Hows whys and whats lining up like worker bees.
Now he knew he needed to do all he could to find who or what was responsible for his week of blankness and his night of pain. Another slight sigh escaped him as he looked up finally realizing the class had already gone well into the teaching. Shrugging he settled down for an hour of chemistry.
The hour dragged by slowly and it was all he could to not pull out his hair in frustration as Mr Finley droned on and on nothing actually got into his bhesd.nally the clock found the desired number and the bell rung sending the students up and scurrying through out the doors.
"If any of you could atleast try to pretend you actually want to be here " Mr Finley mocked his face a frown but his eyes betraying the amusement in them. I grabbed my books by hand following the eager procession to exit the class as my mind racked the remaining time left before out recess, the time I'd need to use the school library.
"Asher , Aurora, my table,now!" Mr Finley's command jolted him making him curse before turning and making a beeline for his table. Another presense joined him in front of the table as Mr Finley looked them both over.
"You've both been gone a while". He stated blandly his eye never leaving us.
"You've got a ton of work to cover on for both my class and I'd suspect other classes. So you'll both be meeting me one of the school's most assured tutor and ..." Asher cut him off quickly an argument brewing in his mind.
"Sir it's just a week. I can handle it all myself. I'll just get the notes and assignments done, I really don't have extra time for tutoring Mr Finley". He argued. Mr Finley just stared at him for a while before he turned to the other person beside him.
"And you.?" He questioned. Asher's eyes found itself turning to take in the individual whose answer could possibly get him out of this encroachment on his free time that he needed to avoid.
Red. Red hair that seemed to shine , red hair that froze his spine as his minds flashed to a run, a little hunt he'd done. He remained frozen stiff his eyes still fixed on hers as her lips moved a smile etched on her perfect porcelain face while he stared . Then her face turned catching his gaze and her hazel eyes gleamed at him then paled as her eyes locked with his.
The panic on her face wasn't unnoticed as was her slight step.back overlooked. Turning he looked to Mr Finley and without a word he left the class the door shut behind him. Mr Finley confused by the show of tension before both teenagers in front of him just sighed as he waved the remaining girl away.
She felt like she was hiding as she stepped out the classroom her eyes roaming the crowded halls for any sign of him. It couldn't be a mistake she thought, the eyes were the same a deep whirlpool of blue sea. But maybe it wasn't him her senses seemed to refute the thought. She remembered the look on his face as he stared at her. Her panic had in no way mirrored his as she remembered. His had been a state of recognition, not fear but more of shock like he hadn't expected to see her.
There wasn't any other reason for him to react as such she pondered while she slowly made it down the hall her eyes searching while her body moved to her locker. Fiddling with the lock she succeeded after several attempts to get it open and then she threw her books in before rummaging for the next set. The bells rang and she looked up her eyes moving in the direction of the class she would have next. Her eyes widened her breath constricting as she spotted him.
Standing snackdab in the centre of the hall as students mulled around him,his eyes locked on hers. Blue accessed hazel as both were frozen in a battle of gazes. He felt the inner voice push forward at a whim as it tried taking over. He watch her eyes widen as his irises made a quick flair of gold before setting back to its calm blue.
She looked back into her locker and stuffed the books she wanted back in her bag before shutting it and turning. She jumped stumbling back as she realized he'd made himself a few feet closer. The halls were almost empty as students filtered into their classes. Her eyes raked the halls for her escape and settled on a class door. She could make a run for it she mused.
His eyes flashed a bright gold again as if he heard her thoughts and challenged her to try. A gulp went down her throat as she took another step back jumping as a closing door sounded in her ears. The halls were now devoid of life except for her and the tall boy with black hair and blue eyes who looked like he could rip her apart if she moved a muscle.
A feet came forward and hers took a step back, a snort left him. Another step was followed by another from her. Then he walked and she ran, she turned tail and fled her boots stomping down in the halls as she raced up the stairs.
He followed a sense of calm washing over him as the inner voice seemed to push forward again. He could sense this was another hunt for it. What it was he didn't know or did he?. He couldn't place a hand on what he thought it was but for now he knew it was going to be there and he didn't know what he thought about that fact yet.
So he let it forward the world spinning as colors and images splayed out in front of him. His eyes widened a bit as he studied the scene in front of him. Looking back he found the trail of tracks that exited the class mixing with the hundreds of other clear and faint tracks and headed off in the direction the girl ran. It went up the stairs, his eyes following the specific design of her boots as he climbed the stairs after her.
He stood on the next floor as he inhaled, several scents assaulting his nostrils and making him confused. Annoyed he let his eyes keep the guide on as he walked after the boot prints following it down the hall and till he stopped. The boys locker room?. His eyebrows shut up in amusement before his forehead crinkled in confusion as be pondered why she chose the boys and the girls locker room.
'Hmm. she'd probably hoped I'd think she would just run past and not into a boys locker room' He thought. He was right though but unluckily for her his new skill just kicked in and now he could find her.
He turned to access the floor making sure he'd followed her prints well after all he'd just gotten this new skill. Confirming that indeed she went in there he touched the handle and turned it walking in. Shutting the door behind him he scanned the locker room. Damn she could be anywhere he mused.
Instinct had him listening for her but he heard nothing, though he wondered if he even knew what he was doing. The only thing he was sure of was him turning into some wierd ass beast. The rest of the night had questions, questions that he needed answers for.
His eyes burned as he squatted this before pushing forward his legs contracting and then releasing like a spring. His body went up and landed on the balls of his feet on a locker his head close to a florescent bulb that dangled loosely from the ceiling.
'Damn'. He admired the new feat before focusing back to the situation.
His eyes roamed the floors before he leaped to the next locker more animal than human his eyes no more flashing but a steady gold as he searched. His mind was shocked and also awed by the theatrics he was currently performing. His next bound brought him close to the back wall the sound of banging metal eliciting a whimper from the room end that caught his attention.
'Found you.'
She squatted making herself small as she eyed the only path he could come through. She heard the door shut as his feet carried him around. Her mind mulled the reason he was after her. Did he intend on finishing what he started?. Her eyes widened at the thought making her look around for something to aid herself with.
The sound of metal creaking and something smacking made her body hum as if getting ready. The sound reached her two times before it ceased. She knew he'd found her before she saw him , her palm clasping over her mouth to hold back a scream as he dropped in front of her with a crouch.
Gold gazed back at her as she stared back too petrified to move. Slowly he rose up till he was standing tall but still had his eyes fixed on her. Then he extended an arm as the gold dimmed and blue came back to rest in it's right spot.