"To someone who will nurse Viktor Tuan, please do it for all of us. Please shut off that O2. Or fast-drip that nicardipine. Or inject him with insulin. Emz."
This is the post that is making waves right now on social media just mere minutes after the nurse in question, Nova Faith Pemberton, publishes it once she learns that the controversial director Viktor Tuan is being treated here at Northwest Medical Center.
No sooner do journalists and everyone else who have a seething hatred for him share that post to kingdom come.
But of course, people who are fans of him come to his defense, waging flame wars against both the nurse and the people who shared her post.
We wake up the next morning… with a minefield of chaos that is our social media feed.
It's because of that one post by a nurse who advocated killing Viktor Tuan via medical means while he is being treated at another hospital due to an accident.