My parents came into
my life before you.
I made them a promise
much before you.
The promise every girl
makes when she's born!
I will keep that word.
I will obey them.
Did you ask your parents
before falling in love?
How selfish you are!
Curse me. Say whatever you wish.
But now I will walk on the
path they choose for me.
Even if I have to die on the path!
Then you could've strangled yourself!
You shouldn't have been unfaithful.
If I wasn't aware of
the shame of my parents...
I would have even done that.
But I must live.
I will die yet live!
You will live.
But I will die.
I can't live without you.
I can't live!
Think of what will
happen to me without you!
You can't do this.
You can't!
life doesn't end when
a relationship ends.
Proceed ahead and
make a new world.
Without you..?
Yes. Without me.
Better than me.
So you have made up your mind?
You will ruin me!
Then hear me out too!
I won't easily let you leave!
I'll burn down this world!
You won't do any such thing!
You won't insult our friendship.
You won't humiliate me or
my parents! Promise me this!
It would be best if we don't
make any promises to each other.
Yes, Tan. Now it's better
I don't ask for any promise.
Shall I make a move?
I am leaving.
You're breaking the
promise made to me.
But you had made a
promise to my mother.
What should I tell her?
Tell mother,to keep one promise..
I broke a mothers' heart.
She's a mother.
She will understand.
Son, is that you?
You're very late.
It's all His game.
All because of Him.
I got late today.
You are drunk?
Yes, I consumed liquor!
I am drunk!
I am intoxicated.
No,your eyes don't seem inebriated.
It's something else.
What is it?
- What's the matter?
- I left her.