But there is something strange, in the village there are few dead, and that it is a large village, this gives them a little hope, they believe that they were warned and the people who took time to leave when they were surprised and killed.
Finally, they arrive at the pharmacy, with great hope they enter immediately, but, it is empty, they enter the back room and check all the rooms, they run to the small stable, there is no one or their horses.
YEYA with more hope because, it is evident that they fled, now, she asks her sister what they should do, she thinks for a moment, something if it is clear, they should not return, their father waits for help, so the only way they have left, is to go to the castle.
Fortunately, it is not far away, the wisest thing is to go there. In the temple of THE ESCRIBES, OKE, she is helped by the priests to go inside, she is very hurt and devastated by the loss of her husband.
The only thing that comforts her is that, the men have told her about the protection of young people, she thought about how much she admires her husband, always watching over the good of the family and the whole town.
The 3 enter the inner temple, you can see the children inside the protective field.
INKU son, feels upset to see his mother injured and the absence of his father, causes a hole in his chest, his emotions are altered, he believes that his father lies dead outside, but, he refuses to believe it, his father is very strong, he could not lose.
Tears threaten to come out of her eyes.
Before removing the barrier, they warn the young people that they are forbidden to leave the inner temple for the time being, they must follow the instructions that will be given to them.
One of the scribes removes the parchment after a few words and this circle is canceled.
When the young men are released, INKU runs to the side of their mother, who has tried to remain calm, INKU, had never seen their mother so emotionally tired and hurt in this way.
OKE, speak to your son and those present, they must meet in the castle.
INKU asks his mother about his father, OKE, taking his son by the shoulder, asks him to listen first and calm down.
INKU, believing the worst, turns away from his mother's side and wants to run out of the temple.
OKE's serious voice slows him down, tells him that his father doesn't lie out there, not to think for a minute that INKU would die this easily, her voice breaks.
INKU's heart shrinks, he realizes the enormous suffering of his mother, at the moment he was not aware of it.
And now she sees the whole picture, she is seriously wounded, she tries to protect the common good of all those present and the least she needs is for him, like her son, to give her one more problem.
He feels helpless and ashamed.
OKE, finally tells him that his father is not...
INKU looks at her, surprised, very confused, while the SCRIBES are healing his mother with the help of scrolls and first aid.
They don't know much, only that, the horde that took his father is heading towards the castle, (INKU is surprised, they took his father, it seems impossible).
The castle is not that far away, they will arrive in an hour, OKE reminds JOSHINSUL, he must go for it. H
e must feel scared and alone.
She sits up, INKU approaches his mother, helps her up, will accompany her to look for her youngest son.
Along the way, his mother tries to walk as best she can.
INKU, knows that she wants to give her best appearance so that others do not worry so much, he knows her, he knows the truth.
He feels that he has been selfish, promises himself to be stronger and more useful to others.
It's not just him, it's all together who try to survive and protect others.
And he's not the only one suffering.
end of chapter 26