Even though my family escape from the kingdom of King Aladin and Queen Jasmine, the friendship of my parents and them is still strong and they still have communication with each other. The king and queen is always present in birthday, they never missed a single celebration with us with their only son Alajar and because of it, Alajar became my only trusted friend. Although he is older than me by two years and he is a prince, he still treated me as his equal but more special. He doesn't want to see my hurt and crying and he told and promised me that he will be always there for me.
Despite of having a power, my parents did not take advantage of it since my father owns the most popular advance technology in this world which is the "Lamp Magic Corporation" while my mother owns the most famous clothing line, which is the "Her Majesty Boutique". Since we have the wealth, we are not hesitating to provide needs from those who needed help. Numerous charities had been established in order to help not only the people but also the animals, oceans, rivers and forests.
As the last genie, all attention of my parents is on me. They are strict but not totally strict that can suffocate me. Being the last genie is not too hard for me since I have my parents to support me. The funny part of being the genie is, I don't need to be summoned in a lamp just to grant wishes. I can just simply grant whatever wishes they want. However, in every wish my hair color change from silky black to ash white. One light wish for one hair strand of my hair and heavy wish is equal to 1/3 of my hair. And the most dangerous thing about my power is, I can bring back the dead and summon creatures that shouldn't be seen and use and that's one of the reasons why we leave the kingdom. Thus, when my hair turns completely to ash white, it only indicates that I'll leave this world for eternity and that is the reason why my parents doesn't want to use my power.