Before the beginning of Xander training his master Mandarin took him to the forest to teach him how to survive in the forest.The first thing Mandarin wanted to teach him is how to meditat.He said meditation can helps him concentrate more and helps him activation of Seven chakras in our body.Mandarin started explaining what are chakras and how they are important.In the seven chakras the first one is
1) The root chakra means Muladhara
The root chakra, or Muladhara is the first and primary chakra, believed to be located at the base of your spine. It is linked with the color red and the element earth.
The root chakra is thought to affect how you connect to the world and to control feelings of survival, ambition, dependency, and stability. As the primary source of energy, its unbalance can lead to feelings of deep fear and insecurity that hurt your drive to succeed, causing feelings of frustration and lack of purpose. When the root chakra is balanced, it is thought to create feelings of security, positivity, energy, independence, and strength.
2) The second one is the sacral chako also called the Svadhisthana.Below the navel, the svadhisthana chakra radiates the color orange and represents the element water. The sacral chakra is considered to be responsible for sexuality, creativity, intuitiveness, self-worth, compassion, and adaptability. When the sacral chakra is unstable, it's thought to cause emotional outbursts, a lack of creativity, and sex-obsessed thoughts.
3) The third one is The solar plexus chakra -Manipura
The solar plexus chakra, Manipura, means city of jewels, and it's believed to be found between the ribcage and the navel. Its color is yellow, and it is tied to the fire element.
chakra is the center of self-esteem and emotions like ego, anger, and aggression. It is thought to present itself on a physical level through digestive problems, liver problems, or diabetes. On an emotional level, if the solar plexus chakra is imbalanced, it is believed to cause feelings of depression and low self-esteem. When it's balanced, it would become a source of energy, productivity, and confidence.
4) The forth one is The heart chakra -Anahata
Connected to organs such as the heart and lungs, the heart chakra is believed to lie at the middle of the cardiovascular system. The heart chakra connects lower chakras to the higher ones. Its color is green, and its element is air.The heart chakra is considered a link to compassion, trust, passion, and love for self and others. When Anahata Chakra is out of balance, it is believed to cause anger, lack of trust, anxiety, jealousy, fear, and moodiness.
5) The fifth one is The throat chakra - Vishuddha
Vishuddha, the throat chakra, is thought to control the neck, mouth, tongue, and other parts of the throat area. The throat chakra's color is blue, and its element is ether. The throat chakra is tied to self-expression, communication, and confidence. Balancing throat chakra is believed to regulate the flow of hormones and help inner thoughts to be spoken in a positive manner.
6) The sixth one is The third eye chakra -Ajna
The third eye or Ajna chakra is set between the eyebrows. The third eye has no elemental association but is represented by color indigo. Often used in asana practice as a focal point, the third eye chakra is believed to control your intellect, intuition, wisdom, and spiritual power.
According to this belief system, an open and balanced third eye chakra allows you to notice the connections in this world and beyond.
An underactive third eye chakra is thought to manifest as a headache, a migraine, or blurry vision. When balanced, the third eye is believed to free you from earthly attachments.
7) And the last one seven chakra is The crown chakra Sahastrara the crown chakra, is at the top of the head, the highest of the seven main chakras. The crown chakra color is violet or white. Also known as the "thousand petal lotus" chakra, this is considered the most spiritual of the central chakras.
Opening the crown chakra is believed to connect a person to their higher self, since it's the place of spirituality, enlightenment, and energetic thoughts. It is tied to inner wisdom and the cosmos. When unbalanced, the crown chakra is thought to influence depression, disconnection from the outside world, frustration, and destructive emotions.
These are the seven chakras in our body you should practice and do meditation you will activate these chakras.These chakras are simply purifies the seven inner demons of a human. Although each chakra helps in cleansing of each inner demon of human.The so called inner demons are nothing but
1) Our Anger
2) lust
3) Happiness
4) Sadness
5) Greedyness
6) Eager
7) Anxiety
These are the seven inner demons of humans.Once you practice and achieve the enlightenment of seven chakras you will supress these inner demons of you. So at first i want to you to do meditation after that I will say what are the causes of every warrior downfall.