Chereads / Pannel & Hook / Chapter 2 - Chapter 2: No One Grows Up Here

Chapter 2 - Chapter 2: No One Grows Up Here

"Pete! Get up, buddy! I need you to get rid of this for me!". I'm shaken awake to the sound of banging and the sight of my brother shoving a book bag in my chest.

"Fuck". We both rushed out the bedroom door with him towards the banging and me to the bathroom, locking it behind me.

I split open the bag in a panic, breaking the zipper but seeing pills and tables inside along with small bags of 'grass' that looked to be more than a pound or two in total.

"There a problem officer? It's six in the morning.". I can hear my brother at the front of the door while I swear silently to myself.

"We've received an anonymous tip that there may be illegal narcotics and we have a warrant to search the premises". An older voice dictated from the front door.

"Look, I Dunno who's been telling you guys this BS but it ain't true". Nate was always a great liar even since we were kids but would always get aggressive when he felt backed into a corner.

"Please step aside son". One of the officers commanded, triggering another surge of panic in my brain. I can hear ruffling in the background along with Nate saying they wouldn't shit.

The pounding returned but this time on the door behind me. "Neverland Police, is there anyone in there!?". A voice booms as I empty everything I can inside the toilet.

"It's just my kid brother, leave em alone, he don't do confrontation Bruh!". I hear Nate shout at one of the officers before hearing a loud scuffle that somehow masks the repeated flushing.

"Whoever is inside, come out now, you have five seconds before we break down this door if you don't unlock it by the end of my count".

"Five...four...three...two". The man screamed from the other side. I empty it all and throw the bag in the tub only to see a couple of baggies hanging out but quickly draw the curtains and put my hands up with superhuman-like speed as the door swings open.

"Put your hands behind your neck and get on your knees!". Three big men rushed in guns drawn and my body automatically obeys the orders I'm given as I saw Nate on the ground with a jet-black police issue piece to his spine.

"What is your name?". The head officer in charge barked at me.

My hands begin to shake with a million thoughts rushing through my head as one of the officers' steps toward the shower. "My name? My name is...My name is".

BLAAWRRR!!!! Before my mind could catch up with me, whatever was in my stomach from the night before was now all over the bathroom tiles.

"...I'm Pete". I somehow managed to let out before I began to fall and everything went black.

I regained consciousness moments later and somehow found my way on the living room couch and overheard Nate giving the three stooges the business.

"He has anxiety you incompetent fucks!". Nate liked to talk with his hands but always made every word count, especially when defending me.

"We're deeply sorry sir, I'll take care of the cost for the door personally. I apologize deeply for the inconvenience.". By the sound of the apology, I could tell that the officer was an elder man and probably a father himself given the level of concern he had that only irritated Nate more.

"Thank you very much, officer...Smee". He smirked as he paused to read his nametag. "Now since you surprisingly found nothing, give me the cash and get the fuck out of my house".

Officer Smee looked to be in his mid to late forties but listened as Nate roared, handing him all the cash in his wallet and leaving with the other two-thirds of his do-gooding trio.

Nate walked over to me, taking off the ice pack on top of my head, smiling before patting my head, walking to the kitchen, and then back to the bathroom with a bucket and some supplies. "Get some rest, I'll wake you up in an hour and drop you at school...also don't say shit to your little girlfriend Wendy!".

"Yes sir". I groaned to him as loud as I could before doing as I was told before texting her anyway, telling her we got raided.