Chereads / the nevada family vol ii / Chapter 88 - chapter xxxvii

Chapter 88 - chapter xxxvii

the paper view event

This was the paper view event wrestle mania people crossed the world is at the tickets to buy tickets to see the matches, their wrestlers is in the locker room getting ready, and Vinatone was getting antsy, " dad. " hey relax sons remember you from my seed. said. Viktor, " I don't feel so good, wheres mom?] asked. Vinatone, " she knew those butterflies is back, she said she can only stay a bit, babe you know I need you here we got seven that is going to freak out, said. Viktor, " mom is here she on the Hotlink darn, said, Vance, " nope look behind you, I need you here Mrs. Nevada, said, Viktor, they turn around and the boys, saw their mother walking up, and just in time Vinatone was about to vomit, " we got a raw son here, " drink, baby I know with the two new dining centers and Viktoria and vollie in Detriot, in the cross hairs, I here for all of you, she had him the juice and he drinks it down. " that's right, you heard did they made it safety? asked, Viktor. " no, they still could still be on the road, better? asked, Kari." could you stay mom, better we need you here, said. Vinatone, " figure you would these are your new mom's views just type in your screen names and there I am, not in the ring, give them to dad, boys all my boys you are going to be fine, dad is here and so is uncle H, Viktor, Vance, Volance, Vandor, Vinatone, Volume, Venton, and Veggo, I so proud how the eight of you raise in your future, you are daddy little speed demons, shaped him on his butt, as she heads out, " hey save it for tonight women, said. Viktor, " please tell me that was Kari? said, Samantha, ' you want her boss you better catch her before she leaves,[babe hold up Samantha wants you,] said, Viktor, she caught up o her, " hey you got a second K? asked. Samantha, " kind of a rush, "[ I be there son, Vicki walk the floor for me,]-["I got it mom take your time,] Vicki said, " what's up. they walked into the office to talk, and people are pouring into the stadium, At the first match is stared, at a female wrestler, as the referee announce them, their them played, and they went nuts, after they talked, Kari walked out of the office, and up to here sons and husband, " mom do you have to go back? asked, Volance, " yes son, like I said screen me if need, boys your father got you, said. Kaari, " who got me? asked. Viktor. she kissed him, " call me if you need Reno, good luck, Venton grab on, " we need you both to walk us down, said, Ventor, son mom got to get back cut the screen on it be like I am here, said, Kari, shekissed her sonsby, " heyi don'tget one I am your husband, protested, Viktor, " youjealous dad? asked, Volume, " of you seven no, we created you six and adopted you, said, Viktor, she kissed on the lips, " you going to tellme that about?" latter it's about business about the studio, let me go please, " no I like to have my blanket here, " when did I become your blanket, Reno baby momma got to get back, love you boys good luck, she breaks free and walked out in left, " that wasbetter then hearing you callher the toilet, said. Veggo, " she is the toilet and you fourteen are thetoilet paper that into her toclog herup, said. Viktor and Kari pulled up at the studio and walked into the studio, "[ what happen a few minutes, ] asked Stacie, " [ will Samantha walk to talk business which we go over tonight at the meeting, that means the eight of you need to come here, lunch will be a few minutes, and drinks will be served soon,] said, Kari, after the wives match, it was time for viktors match, " [we will you going to tell me now babe?] asked, Viktor. "[can we have dinner there mom?] asked, Vance, Hunter walked up " you ready V, they hi-fi, they played his music. "[ I got the boys, win your family a match, what can you wait for at the meeting, send me a view of what you want fix guys, that what I thinking of, all fifteen of you come together on at the end of the day, Vance, Volance Vandor, Vinatone, Volume, Venton, and Veggo keep your focus on mom,] she walked in the dining center, start to poor the sports juice into the glasses,Vixxen and vanessa walked into the kitchen, they got to the ring the fans was going nuts, "[this is for my family, because I want to know now babe, talk to you later,] he take his Hotlink to give it to Hunter and slide in the ring, he ccu his watch on, "[ you find out at the meeting, focus and cut your watch off.] said, Kari, "[who getting fired, the boys work so hard heck we work, ] she shot him an looked, " [ meeting, wrestle win for your wife, bye.} she went off the screen, "[babe, ] do you have thiskind of thing with yours, asked. Viktor played his opponent three music wrestler 7# he walked out of the locker room, the lights were blazing, and they served the customers the d rinks. "[* for lunch today we are having bake chicken, broccoli, and rice with a rice cracker, * all apart to stay health, stay fit, ] said. Kari, Viktor, and wrestler 7# start to wrestle, Viktor pushed him into the ropes, and the fans were cheering like crazy, they served everyone the drinks, and those that are training to get their letter on, therefore break them up, Viktor back off and they circled each other, Viktor suplex him onto to the mat, they fan went nuts, "[ sound like a dad having fun,]said. Vandor, "[that what you boys should do, have fun, that what life, work, is fun, you living to the fullest you love doing what you do,] said, Kari, " get him V, said. Hunter,