Chereads / the nevada family vol ii / Chapter 3 - chapter iii

Chapter 3 - chapter iii

Don't mess with my women!

You can start the work of unless your vitals is good, before or after workouts Jane examine you to see are y good, then Alyssa talk wth you o the flood to eat and what fills you up quicker, and try beat ss git,she wrote it down, " question mrs, said.Don, " Christmas us what is for question, said,Kari, " what to you focus on and Ling to you stay on," I have over 350 clients that either football players Hockey players, basketball players, Base ball players, wreslers, boxers street fighter, and Soccer player, we stay on until you say yo do not need us anymore, answered, Kari, she take his blood pressure " that is a lot of clients Mrs. Christmas, " we god at what we do, its just MS. Okay 60 under 70 she rite it down, " so what I think what be god for you is our full body work out, me me get my tan together so We work On a plan. Said. Kari, they stopped at the house and wait until she walked UT few minutes she walked out of the house, Parker was about to get it when Viktor pulled up, " I had feeling they followed you, you want to follow us, I going to kick your ∆ss leave my statenow, and leave my women akone,you think," baby calm yourself, what you wanted Parker I am working now something you never trying do in your life, Hunter and Viktor got out the truck, Parker got out the car in walked up, they pursued him back back, " closed enough bulb, answer her, or get in your car leave, said. Hunter, " working do what who lives her!?" Client I am an business women who runs a fir t and train studio, we do call in to those that can't make to the studio, we do walk in and by doctor requests, I am a fit coach fit fit train,and intructor, there was reason why I went to Iceland, Fiji and Thailand to learn how to be ine, to see what I's like to run a business, we have over 5000 clients that do sports,fit train, pounder us , I am that d∆mn good what I do, that why I am tower , that stands and got billion dollars coming in keep me. running, not you or your parents will not stop in my way and stop Mr get out of my state never bring your tail back here again, grow u stop trying to get back in my shadow, I do not you to be under me,you are pathetic leech who just want to check the life and blood out of me, said. Kari, " I am not going to let you cream cake, I am the new man in her shadow I her to help her raise up not bring her down like you, Parker got tick and took a swing both Hunter and Viktor swing first hitting him in the face, knocking him on the ground, " feel better boys? Asked. Kari, he stroke her face, face, " I love you K, no one is not going to stand in the way of the woman! Love, they kissed each other, " that goes for me to, she is the best you mess with her you get your ass slam, I mean a body slam, go home now do you get me, ordered, Hunter. They open up the door for hr," we see on for dinner? Asked. Viktor, " yes seven.she stroke his chest, they kissed again, " we escort you back to the Studio K, I get s feeling he doesn't listen to reasoning, said. Hunter, " that his problem gets away with everything because he the youngest, " we be better parents then yours, I already hate your parents for what they did to said. Viktor, " darn straight we will, wait we not even married yet you already think we going to have kids? " yep sons six, she pulled him to her, they kissed again for and long time, " I want you on our honeymoon, will you marry me, asked, Viktor, " I as your grandfather tomorrow, you set my world on Fire Kari, I need you to be by wife, he got on his need a and pull out white box inside it was a four carrot diamond ring ingredient on the top Viktor and Kari forever, " tomorrow I ask again on tv, in front of the world, Parker kook at her he hope she tells him no and to get lose, " oh Viktor Reno Nevada yes I married you my king, he smiled at her and put the ring on her finger, " about time you ask her V, sweet huh, we wrestler know how to pop the question to our future wives, said. Hunter, he pulled her up and picked her up they kissed each other, " I the duck woman to have you In my life, said. Kari," I going to give you everything you deserve a palace, a honeymoon of your dreams, everything you deserve it and more, you never again have to worry about those people long as I am here and Hunter, he helped her back in the car, they left, He got up off the ground, " she hates me lets go home. He got in the car and lft, they pulled up at the studios, Viktor got out his truck an open the door for her, he helped her out of the car, " see you tonight, he set you after the event, they kissed again and she walked in the studio, they left, after an busy day the all meet in her office, They start to going over clients and Kari broke the news to them that they are engaged, they cheer it and hugged her, they are back in Detroit and he pulled up at the house, they got out the car, " Parker what happened to your eye! Asked. Susan," two jerk hit me,they were defending her, get this she married one,he hate all of us, said. Parker, " you were to leave and stay away from her, who this women any ex girlfriends;!? Asked. Jessica, " my older sister, she hates cuts to, mom you and dad nore, she said we not going popping to stand in her way or stop her, Fri risibg. " that's right you try again or any of you you all black sheep out this family, Park no one told you to go their any way, we know o of him she told us about him, that we not you six, but the family is going to meet him on Saturday, ur cousins Bobby and Cliff,, he as me not Henry me for her hand he got it, that's right for standing by your husband decision you don't get to him , that is on you , you parker about time someone standing up in putting you in your place, said. Jim, he walk pass them into his house, " my own parents hates us, could in take care of that eye, said. Susan,