Chereads / the nevada family vol ii / Chapter 59 - chapter viii

Chapter 59 - chapter viii

Thursday morning

Kari and Viktor was in the kitchen why everyone was asleep, he grab her by the skirt, " i dig you Mrs. Nevada, they kissed each other, " i dig you Mr. Nevada, he pick her up and sat her on the counter, he was about to undressed her, " i have to pee bad, can't hold it. said, Vinatone, " son hold it me and mom got some unfinished business, " you couldn't wait for her to come down here could you? said, Vance. " no one ask you wolf, she my wife, said. Viktor, " that's right the name is the wolf i proud of it Reno, she our mother. said, Vance, " boy you not to old to get a beating go back to sleep all seven of you, where were we, said. Viktor. " i am defintely sleep in your room tonight, no but about mom and dad, said, Vandor, she got off the counter, " we still having nightmares son? he raise his head open one eye, " yes, never stops mom, said. Vandor, " you are twenty and i am still here son, i still going to be here to see all thirteen of my babies get married and have little babies, said, Kari. " i just go right here then, " don't you dare vinatone Raymond Nevada, keep it in your underwear, come on, they walked over and help him up, " isn't that what we tell dad mom? asked, Vinatone, " only in your dreams son hold it until we get you into the bathroom, they walked down to the bathroom, the girls walked down the steps, " wheres mom at guys? asked, Vollie. " did you seven have a great girl day with mom? asked, Venton, " did you seven had camp out with dad?" yeah i suprise he didn't went to kick the door down and kick you out, said. Vego, " tell me about it the man keep it his horness in check, " mom only gets that way when he feeling on her, mom, " your daughters know you will, i leave you two at it, " ow hold up, i love dad but no, no, said. Vinatone, " heck no, the only stick she touching is mines son, " you are not asking me to do that, why now your father show once how to use the bathroom and changeyour diapers all six, said, Kari, " you know what i thinking Vance, " ohh way ahead off you Van, mom we got guest can we have the hungry man breakfast, " you not serious dad! mom help, " your father is great father to you thirteen, he knows what he is doing, she pulled his pants done, " i thought you love me mom," Vinatone i would die for you, but touching your thing is a line i not crossing, " wait why you want to leave me?" Reno who i was going anywere, help your son please, she walked out of the bedroom into the kitchen, " whoes calling, what you want child, " i am your child, yes i came out of you, hungry man we got guest, said. Vance, " what's hungry? asked. Frank, " it's a breakfast i come up with on Friday, the deal was they let me sleep for eight hours i fix, it today is not Friday where i am off, said. Kari, " size mom doesn't have everything for it Vance, can we help with breakfast mom? asked, Viktoria, " that what she said, i see cupcake pancakes chocolate, vanilla and strawberry, said, Vandor, " they do sound good, " don't let my children talk you anything, they think because you here they get what they want, that be great girls. they walked into they kitchen. " i already have something plan this whole week why they here, it's better then the hungry man breakfast, they got up and walked up. " what!!!" we talk about even grandma know what mom was planning, said. Vonnie, " excuse first borns when did weget left out the talk? ased, Volume. " babe he is done, called Viktor, " you know howthis hurts living with a sexy women shewill not tounch my stick,, " that women is your mother and my wife, She walked in they help him out and sat him at the table, " dad mom left us of the plan, mom that totally unfair, said. Venton, " first you want time him with so, what you complain about, " i am not what i want to do last night, said. Viktor, " i promise baby i make it up to you, said, Kari, " not on my watch i told you i sleeping in between you tonight, said. Vandor, " not if the door is locked son, said. Viktor, " i planing on enjoy tonight, what you plan tonight, asked. Viktor, " wait in see Mr. Nevada, son we love you but mom and dad want some romance, if you give me that baby boy we will get up early cook it and have the breakfast that you thirteen is craving, plus with four new muffin pancakes, said. Kari, " and brand new muffin smoothie, said, Viktor. That caught their attention quick, " you both get up early? asked. Vance, " what about today?" yes, * double chocolate cupcake pancakes, geese ham with geese down gravy, mashed potatoes, fresh fruit, and yes i already got everything, said. Kari, " yes i already know about, your Aunts and uncles is coming after we going to plan, so you six up stairs and get washed and dressed, " oh hold you said muffin pancakes, we get this if we give you and dad a day of romance, how would i know my mother is okay and breathing after? asked, Vandor. " your mother if fit like a horse, trust your father with the women he loves son, answered, Viktor. " i will call to you saying Vandor i okay, and thank you, but if i don't get it breakfast is off and you get what i fix or what the girls fix, said. Kari, " size he owe me a date night, " what if we set up to make it special? asked. Vicki, " you stay ou this, trust ? call? they looked at Vandor, " V i want that breakfast man what goes with this pancakes, in order to get that romance night i want my stomach to happy, said, Vinatone, " let me get this straight if i don't please your stomach you not going give me what i want, think maybe he should call you the Stomach, how does this sound, butter haze geese ham, fried geese and cheddar eggs, fried apples, cheddar bake biscuits? their mouths water, " Vandor i let you know if she okay, let them have it, said. Vinatone, after they finished cooking and getting dressed everyone is out on the deck eating and talking about the event,