Ye Lei snickered to see the shocked and betrayed expressions on Fang Li's face. There was a time when she used to feel upset when something used to bother Fang Li.
However, not anymore.
The coach of the other team was right. If she stays by Fang Li's side, then she will always be called Fang Li's sidekick or her shadow and will never be able to make her name in sports.
Fang Li has a supportive family who loves her and supports her while doing sports.
However, she only has herself.
Unlike Fang Li's family, her family doesn't care about her nor support her career in sports.
They only think of her as an unfilial daughter who has failed to fulfill the responsibilities of a daughter as she hasn't married anyone yet.
She is going to be 25 years old this year. She is of the same age as Fang Li, however, her family expects her to get married already and have kids.