"Madam, I think there's something you should know…"
Ashton paused.
Intan felt anxious as she anticipated what Ashton would say, "What is it? What else occurred? " She inquired eagerly.
"Madam… Phoenix… she might have found her family," Ashton broke the news to Intan.
Intan's pupil dilated, "You mean… her biological family?" Intan asked in a dispirited tone.
"Yes, Madam. But it's still not confirmed yet. But the possibility is there," Ashton said.
"Did they do the paternity test yet?" Intan inquired.
"Phoenix had given her DNA samples. They will probably send it for testing today," Ashton answered.
"How did Phoenix accept the news?" Intan, fidgeting with her fingers that were not holding the phone.
Ashton sighed, "Phoenix was shocked at first and she was even in denial. But after a night's sleep, she calmed and thought things through," Ashton answered honestly.