Chereads / Illahi mystery solved / Chapter 10 - Chapter 10: The page number was 57.

Chapter 10 - Chapter 10: The page number was 57.


Vishwas: male lead

Solomon: Head of CBI headquarters of trivandrum

Karthik: Police Officer

Hilda 'D'Souza:

Dr. Vishwanathan: paranormal researcher)


Narrator: Hi! readers, long time no see, that's okay no problem, now let's go into the world of illahi mystery solved.

After the confirmation of a big twist, Vishwas accompanies Karthik, Hilda 'D'Souza and the original Solomon.

They reach Bonacaud bungalow, Vishwas with the page number 57, four of them get seated in a conference table and starts studying the page loudly.

Karthik: (page 57)

He didn't even miss an opportunity, he wanted that girl at any cost, he could do anything for her, he tortured her family like the members of her family didn't live peacefully, there was a high priest in the village. The priest came forward to help the family, but his anger increased more than even before. The priest's name was M... .....a.

Karthik: Sir, the name is disappeared.

Vishwas: Yes, Karthik. I think that the names of the character would really exist. Let's see what happened further.

Karthik: Yes sir.


The priest wanted to destroy him, but he couldn't, it's because of the love that he had on her. So the priest reduced his power only for a few days.


I think the remaining maybe in the next page which is 58.


Karthik: Yes Sir.

Vishwas: Karthik just open the browser, search for khillad Illah alban's novels and stories.

Karthik: Sir it's a great idea, I'll do it now.

Vishwas: Please Karthik.


Karthik: Sir, i found it, this story has 60 pages.

Vishwas: Hmm...

Karthik: Sir.....!!!!!!

Vishwas: What happened Karthik???

Why are you sweating like this???

Karthik: Sir, just read out the names of the character.

Vishwas: Yeah okay.

What I guessed was right?

This is the story of Farzana Allamahut Alban.

Except her name and others, it is mentioned that original name is changed.

So, this novel is the real life story of Farzana Allamahut Alban.

Karthik, can you just spot out, who's Qasif.

Karthik: Okay sir.

Hilda why are you looking so frightened.

Solomon: She is afraid of that guy Qasif.

I think he's an older person, so that he pretended to be me...

Karthik: Yes sir, but Hilda don't worry, don't be afraid, we're coming very near to the case, we'll just finish it very soon.

Vishwas: Yes, I know that someone is playing crap with me and the ones who dealed with this case, he says that he won't spare me, hmm hwahaaa.... he's just an imposter and a bloody old man.

Hilda 'D'Souza: But, Sir please solve this soon.

Vishwas: Solve this soon???

I'm not gonna do this alone, I've come so far with the help of you guys, we'll finish it together.

Karthik: Yes sir, we will.

Solomon: Any help just call me.

Hilda 'D'Souza: Hmm.....

(call from Dr. Vishwanathan)

Sir, my uncle Vishwanathan is coming online.

Vishwas: Oh! Attend the call and turn on the loud speaker.

Hilda 'D'Souza: Ok Sir.

Vishwanathan: Hello, Dear, your uncle here, hope you are doing well?

Hilda 'D'Souza: Hello uncle, all not okay uncle.

I've some bad vibration about this case uncle, it is really haunting.

Vishwanathan: Yea that case has an evil spirit surrounded there, i need to have conversations with Officer Vishwas and I'm sure that my information and some activities towards that is going to help him in this case. When is he free?

Vishwas: Will you be available right now Doctor??

Vishwanathan: Oh Vishwas, Yes man I'm ready to meet with you today.

Vishwas: Doctor! Timings??

Vishwanathan: If your free now, please come.

Vishwas: Just few more minutes, we all will be there.

Vishwanathan: Waiting for you people...

(call ends up)

Vishwas: Hilda book a taxi.

Hilda: Yeah sure Sir.

Solomon: Not necessary, I've my car shall we move.

Vishwas: Then what's the wait??

Let's move!


All the four gets into the car and starts moving to the place of Dr. Vishwanathan.


Narrator: Guys, these people have started their. journey from Bonacaud bungalow to the place of

Dr. Vishwanathan. So, it may take a long time to reach his place.


Solomon: Hilda!

Hilda 'D'Souza: Yes sir.

Solomon: Which place we have to go?

Hilda 'D'Souza: It's ashramam road at kochur

Solomon: Okay thanks!

Hmm..... Vishwas Why are you so dull?

Vishwas with a smile: Sir, when i stepped out at the airport, i was really so excited that i would finish it because this case was begun in this place but except that single paper, there's no other to clue to get closer.

Solomon: Don't worry about it, you will really find it, your a very genius guy, i studied you and your case details and i know that you have solved a murder case in the mountains of chilkamamgalur, the famous writer who was found falsely accused for that case,you helped him to come out of that case, and you solved it. This is not so difficult than that.

Just concentrate...

Vishwas: Yes sir...

Hilda 'D'Souza: Sir, how much time does it take to reach kochur

Soloman: One hour forty five minutes.

Hilda 'D'Souza: Okay sir!

Karthik: Sir, can you increase the speed limit please.

Soloman: Yeah sure officer, why not?

Here you go.....

Vishwas we're on the way don't worry, your answers are not far....

Vishwas: Hmm....

(call from Vishwanathan)

Hilda 'D'Souza: Hello uncle, we're on our way to kochur.

Vishwanathan: How long does it take for you people to reach here???

Hilda 'D'Souza: One hour forty five minutes.

Vishwanathan: Okay.

(call ends)

Hilda 'D'Souza: Strange!!!

Karthik: What happened Hilda??

Hilda 'D'Souza: Karthik uncle's voice was so strange.

Karthik: Is he in trouble, shall i send my team there....

Hilda 'D'Souza: No that's fine Karthick we'll just have to move faster...

Narrator: I would rather say this case is really a big headache to the male lead vishwas, and even these people has to travel a lot of places, first let's wait for them to reach ashramam road at kochur.

Till then

To be continued......